Wednesday, January 23, 2008

In summary of tonight...

Dropped $26 on Stars and $33 on Party. Twice managed to get flushes flopped against me in pots I'd raised to get stacked. But to sum up the night this happened:

***** Hand History for Game 6715995665 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $11 USD Buy-in Trny: 38016588 Level: 3 Blinds(50/100) - Wednesday, January 23, 15:34:11 ET 2008
Table Table 127798 (Real Money)
Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 9
Seat 1: GorgarXL ( 2,440 )
Seat 3: mattydubb ( 3,660 )
Seat 5: JimmyK13 ( 2,570 )
Seat 8: edietheeagle ( 1,620 )
Seat 6: crazychick13 ( 1,570 )
Seat 4: ben_w_2004 ( 1,910 )
Seat 9: the_peasant ( 1,970 )
Seat 10: greob ( 1,380 )
Seat 2: stex22 ( 2,880 )
Trny: 38016588 Level: 3
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to ben_w_2004 [ Qh Qs ]
crazychick13 folds.
edietheeagle folds.
the_peasant did not respond in time
the_peasant folds.
greob folds.
GorgarXL folds.
stex22 folds.
mattydubb raises [500]
ben_w_2004 is all-In.
JimmyK13 folds.
mattydubb calls [1,410]
** Dealing Flop ** [ Kc, 2c, 8h ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 4s ]
** Dealing River ** [ 5c ]
mattydubb shows [ 6c, 7s ]a straight Four to Eight.
ben_w_2004 shows [ Qh, Qs ]a pair of Queens.
mattydubb wins 3,920 chips from the main pot with a straight, Four to Eight.
ben_w_2004 finished in 9 place.

The conversation afterwards was a bit of a crack up, shame I couldn't get involved as I was out:

JimmyK13: "LOL nice hand"
mattydubb: "Lol thanks, I was priced in"
JimmyK13: "What do you mean?"
mattydubb: "I mean once I had raised I pretty much had to call"
JimmyK13: "Oh I see, you mean once you had put 500 in and only had to call 1400 more?"
mattydubb: "Exactly, I had the odds to call"
JimmyK13: "Does it not depend on what the other player has though?"
mattydubb: "I suppose so, it depends on the range I put him on."
GorgarXL: "Are you guys being serious? What "range" did you put him on then matt?"
mattydubb: "I thought he might have pocket 2's or 3's or something like that"
GorgarXL: "Well at least you got it quite close"

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