Friday, January 04, 2008

Busted in 4th

Couple went out quickly after last post but then we played six handed for about 35 minutes with nothing really happening, I was on the right side of a couple of coolers for once when first my JJ beat TT then my QQ beat JJ, both time doubled through off the big stacks. But they were to my right and bullying my blinds so I rarely got a walk or to see a flop with bad cards so just got ground down permanently. The big stack took out the 2nd place to get a monster and get 5 way but the cards were still pretty dry and nothing much was happening for me.

Then there was a massive 3-way pot where the button pushed all-in with AQ, SB called with QQ and had him covered and the BB called with AJ and also had him covered. K high flop and SB checks and BB pushed all-in - what a muppet. SB makes a great call only for BB muppet to hit runner runner to a four flush.

So down to four and I find KQ in SB and push my 7BB in the middle to get called by A2 in the BB, KQ on the flop looks good until J and T fall to complete broadway and I'm out in 4th for $212 and missing out on my target of a top 3 finish by one position.

Oh well, ended up just under $100 up so that tourney rescued my night as I was stuck $100 before it. Feels good to get a decent score under my belt, hopefully the start of things to come!

ps. Cashy, I am off work still but feeling a bit better. Hopefully be back on Monday.

pps. Jo - looking forward to joining you in a minute, I wonder if we will have banter.

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