Sunday, January 27, 2008

Good weekend...and Q6 SOOTED!!!

Had a cracking time up in London on Friday night at Cannon and Big Tone's pad. But before I give the details what is it about people calling my all-ins with 67off when I have queens? Obviously they win...

Game #5180021813: Thunder £2 (ID6368033) £2+£0.25 - Hold'em NL (25/50) - 2008/01/27 - 13:18:03 (EST)
Table "6368033 - 9" Seat 5 is the button.
Seat 1: Cjwins (1260 in chips)
Seat 2: Sgt_bash (1435 in chips)
Seat 4: Phil55 (3275 in chips)
Seat 5: Colle1910 (755 in chips)
Seat 6: Tetleyimp (930 in chips)
Seat 7: Odin13 (4130 in chips)
Seat 8: Jonletaxi (4380 in chips)
Seat 9: Gandl112 (1790 in chips)
Seat 10: Joanne10 (1440 in chips)
Tetleyimp: posts small blind 25
Odin13: posts big blind 50
----- HOLE CARDS -----
dealt to Joanne10 [Qh Qc]
Jonletaxi: raises to 100
Gandl112: folds
Joanne10: raises to 1440 and is all-in
Cjwins: folds
Sgt_bash: folds
Phil55: folds
Colle1910: folds
Tetleyimp: folds
Odin13: folds
Jonletaxi: calls 1340
----- FLOP ----- [8h 6c Ac]
----- TURN ----- [8h 6c Ac][6h]
----- RIVER ----- [8h 6c Ac 6h][8s]
----- SHOW DOWN -----
Joanne10: shows [Qh Qc] (Two Pairs, Queens and Eights, Ace high)
Jonletaxi: shows [7c 6d] (A Full House, Sixes full of Eights)
Jonletaxi collected 2955 from Main pot
----- SUMMARY -----
Total pot 2955 Main pot 2955 Rake 0
Board [8h 6c Ac 6h 8s]
Seat 1: Cjwins folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 2: Sgt_bash folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: Phil55 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: Colle1910 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 6: Tetleyimp (small blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 7: Odin13 (big blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 8: Jonletaxi showed [7c 6d] and won (2955) with A Full House, Sixes full of Eights
Seat 9: Gandl112 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 10: Joanne10 showed [Qh Qc] and lost with Two Pairs, Queens and Eights, Ace high

I just don't understand this play. Firstly raising under the gun with 6 7, then calling the 30 big blind shove? Oh well.

Back to Friday night then, turned up at the Cannon and Big Tone's pad at 8-ish and was straight into the gambling, winning 3 games of Pro Evo for a total of £15. The others then arrived and we got down to poker at just after 9. I bought in for £40, with the £15 from Pro Evo added from the others to give me a starting stack of £55, playing classic 10p/20p blinds. There were 7 of us in the end and I was in a fairly good position on the table being on Ed's left. To my left was Big Tone, then N-Dog, Cashy P, Blubs, and Simon. I can't remember who bought in for what but roughly Ed £100, Cashy £190, N-dog £50-60?, Big Tone £100, Blubs £100 and Si £50.

So the action started and Cashy was as usual raising pretty much raising every hand and soon found himself up about £100, mainly at Big Tone's expense, showing a mixture of big bluffs and made hands. It was my first time playing with Blubs and he made a pretty outrageous 3-barrelled bluff early on betting into Si's trip aces so I wasn't too sure how he was going to play. I made a couple of well-timed bluffs, versus him to win small pots but the action was pretty much passing me by. Then I pick up 7 2 off on the button and pop it up after it's folded to me (we were playing the 7-2 game to win a pound of everyone else if you won a hand with that hand) I then proceeded to pump it up on all 3 occasions when it was checked to me after Big Tone had called from the small blind and luckily the 3rd got through for a pot of around £15 and the £6 from everyone. I kept on grinding away, not playing many pots until my first real playable hand of the night popped up. Queens. I was effectively UTG as Cannon had put the straddle on and flat called hoping either Cashy or the Cannnon would pop it up. Big Tone limps behind me and Cashy duly obliges to make it £2.80 to go. It folds round to me and I pop it up to about £12, Big Tone calls this pretty quickly which was fairly worrying. Flop comes 522 and I check it with the aim of check-raising any bet I face. Big Tone fires out £15 and I think a little and raise to £40, Big Tone then announces all-in and I go into the tank. We worked out that we had pretty similar stacks at about £55 and I say to Big Tone "shall we just play for £20 more" not the whole £35. He deliberates for a while and says ok and so I make the call and he of course turns over pocket 5's for the house. Bam!!! Queen on the river and I ship a very lucky, and healthy pot. I give Big Tone back his £20 extra he put in out of kindness and probably because I knew that, as Cannon later pointed out, I probably wouldn't have called had it been for my whole stack.

Very next hand and I call a CashyP raise from the big blind with 89 sooted to see a flop of A89. I check it, short-stacked Simon puts £2 in and I raise it to £7, he calls pretty quick and I set him all-in on an innocuos looking 3 turn card only for him to call with A3, and I'm back to about £130.

So we get to about 6:30am and I am very tired and haven't won a pot for a while and spot a nice duvet in the corner which I want to curl up and go to sleep on. I'm UTG and I figure I'll just play this hand and then sit out for a while and sleep. I look down at Q6 SOOTED and pump it up to 80p. The Cannon in the small blind repops to about £2.50 and I, knowing that he knows I don't make moves preflop (he had told everyone me earlier in the night)pop it up again hoping to take the pot down there and then. The Cannon being a gigantic fish announces "I know you have Kings" but still makes the call.

Flop comes a fairly friendly JJ4 and he checks hoping to entice a bet from me (and now knowing his hand why wouldn't he) and I make a typically Cheese-like weak check behind. So we go to the turn, an Ace. He fires £10. I think to myself "what would I do if I had aces here" and I make the call. The river comes and it's a King. Action to Ed and he bets out £25, I pop it up around £40 and he insta-passes AJ to fold Jacks full of Aces. WOW!!! I turn over Q6 SOOTED and I think I saw a bit of vomit come up in his mouth. Ed then tries to explain his laydown but is met by a barrage of abuse and proceeds to tilt off the rest of his stack. He then reloads for £200 and manages to tilt that off in about half an hour, all to Big Tone who until then had been the big loser for the night! Things were getting pretty ridiculous, there was over a grand on the table playing 10p/20p for christ's sake! That's 5000 big blinds. So at about 8:30am we call it a day for poker, and after an 11 hour session I cash out for £155 for £100 poker profit. Cashy I think had £2 profit in the end (that's a steady 18p an hour income), Ed was the big loser for over £300, and the rest had smallish profits I think, including N-dog who had been playing terribly and had been reluctant to rebuy having lost his stack coming back nicely.

Then Ed and Ant played a £100 pro evo game with the rules being that they were the same team and Ed got to choose the team. Bayern Munich of course. Ant took it down 6-3 and Ed was stuck £100 more!

So having not slept since 7am friday morning we went down the local cafe for a fry-up and on the way back stopped off at the bookies for a couple of quick bets from the others. (Cannon how did your £40 bet go? I saw Walsall and Middlesborough won but who was the other team?)

We got back to the flat and as I was playing football and had to leave at 12 I decided it probably wasn't a good idea to try and get some sleep so we had a Pro Evo fivers in tourney, 5 minute matches and 2 groups of 3 (Big Tone had gone to sleep by then) followed by semi's and then a final. My group was a fairly easy looking N-dog and Blubs but I fell 1-0 as my Pompy side were no match for his Bolton. He then drew with N-dog meaning that I had to beat N-dog to stay in the competition. I duly did and was through to face Cashy in the semi's with Si taking on Blubs in the other having knocked out the Cannon in one of the shocks of Pro Evo history (sarcastic?).

The Point was duly dispatched and I came up against surprise package Blubs in the final. Four goals later and I was picking up another £20 from Pro Evo to take my total profit to £135. Whilst this was happening the Cannon managed to win back what he'd lost playing with us by going online playing $2/$4.

I went to football at 12 thinking it was probably a bad idea not to have slept at all but played okay in a 3-1 win and even managed to smash the bar from 25 yards with about my 2nd touch! The match served to wake me up a bit and I didnt really feel tired as I left the ground and went to pick the missus up from Bluewater. We had a nice dinner and then went and watched Superbad in bed. Was an absolute cracker and I'm sure would have been even better if I hadn't of been struggling to keep my eyes open! I finally fell asleep at 8pm after 37 hours awake and managed to sleep for 14 hours which I haven't done for a while. Went to see the missus's brother and his wife and kids today and watched Spurs lose to United but all in all has been a quality weekend and has in a way reminded me of the quality Uni days we used to have and made me look forward to the Reading Series of Poker even more.

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