Saturday, June 23, 2007

Things begin to click...

Have had a good week or so life-wise, having recieved a 2:1 degree last Friday this Friday I found out that I have a job with Transport for London to look forward to over the summer although I still am waiting to here about the other job I had an assessment for. If things stay as they are though I'll be starting work on either the 2nd or 9th of July at near Victoria which is handy as it's the train station that the lines from both my house and Jo's house go to.

Was supposed to play cricket for Hartley 2nds today but it got rained off so missed out. Next weekend I'm going to Jo's uncle's wedding so wont be able to play then either which is a shame and it looks like im only going to play about 8 league games this season again. Plus the fact that I'll be working means I wont be able to go on cricket tour with Bexley Wanderers either. By the iway I was written about in the local paper for both my batting and bowling exploits after last weeks game!

On the poker front I've been playing little sessions here and there and breaking even but sat down this evening to play a longer session and made about $40 in just over 2 hours.

It started off pretty badly when I overplayed my Jacks:

I think that I should have been able to stop myself going broke here but got into the mindset that Saturday night players are absolute they usually are!

This was a bit of a weird hand:

I checked the flop because I thought the short stack would continuation bet all-in and I could just call that and when he did that I was happy. When the other player called though I thought I had better try to define my hand to see where I was in the hand so I raised it up again and his flat call suggested he was drawing. So when I put him all-in on the turn after a brick hit I was fully expecting him to have a better Ace...but he had a flush draw and played it so bad by getting his money in when he was about 20% max to win the hand.

This was an interesting hand:

The way I played it he would have had no idea what I had. My reraise pre would suggest a big pair and the way I called the flop and turn means I could have had the flush and I think it becomes very hard for him to call the bet on the end even with a King if he thinks about it because there cannot be much that he beats. On that particular table I dont think I lost a pot all night that I played to a showdown.

On another table however I couldnt buy a break with hands like this knocking me back:

What he was playing at I have no idea...$44 on the miracle river for him though.

It's always nice when someone pushes all-in when you have the nuts on the river though:

If he reraises the flop here I probably have to fold with just a gutshot and an overcard but instead he waits until I've made my hadn before showing any aggression.

Managed to outdraw a short stack:

I think if he has a deeper stack here I would have got away from it. I was even going to lay it down when I had to call his $3 allin rereraise on the flop knowing I was behind. He cant really complain though as he got his own back getting allin pre with AQ vs my AK and spiking a Queen:

I had the last laugh though when this cold deck worked in my favour:

Was pretty sick for him and the other player in the hand claimed he had QQ and would have won when the Q hit the river, but he did well to get away from it on that flop if he did have that hand, although Im sure he was more worried about an 8 than the KK and AA that we had.

Also managed to find AA vs KK on another table:

The thing is that on another day I could have the KK twice vs AA and it be me losing to the cold decks so I think I just got in a couple of good spots rather than played well tonight.

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