Sunday, June 24, 2007

Sunday night session

Session started off with an outdraw:

The theory I applied to this hand was that by betting the amount I did on the turn believing he was drawing he would be forced to either fold his hand or push all-in. Yet he showed what an idiot he was by doing neither and flat calling to hit his 18% shot and then pushing all-in knowing I have to call. It is of course unbelievably bad play on his part but im not too bothered as I know that in the long run I will make money from those sorts of situations.

Things then got a little better:

My sexy check on the flop induced what I have to believe was a $7 bluff by this guy. The reason I think that was because two hands later this happened:

Having the outdraw from earlier when I had a set fresh in my mind it took alot of energy not to reraise the flop here. Turns out that if I had done that I would not have got his stack on the turn so I'm very pleased with the way I played it as, in my opinion, if I play it any different I dont get his whole stack.

Then made a couple of stupid stupid moves. Firstly:

My theory behind this hand was to call behind on the flop to see what he did on the turn and so when he bet less on the turn than he did on the flop I obviously presumed he was weak so min raised his turn bet with a view to raising big on the end...oops.

Then this happened:

I thought I'd try to find out how strong he was on the flop and again his call made him seem weak. The turn then gave me the nut flush draw which probably got me in more trouble by encouraging me to bet the turn and then when the river hit I thought I'd probably sucked out for a split pot...his insta-call of my all-in shove proved me wrong however.

I then managed to stack the same guy as earlier again:

Although this time he actually had an overpair and was unlcuky to run into my aces, but maybe still could have got away from it with 100 big blinds.

Once again I didnt think that I played too well tonight but found some good spots and truth be told if I hadnt made those uncharacteristic bluffs then I would have made around a $30 profit instead of being slightly down for the night. I think that it isnt the bluffs that will make me money at this level but maximising profits from my big hands instead which recently I have been able to do fairly well.

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