Monday, June 11, 2007

Same old story...

The same old story is that I seem to be running good playing poker at the moment, especially on Party cash games. I sat down for another little session tonight and once again loaded up 3 tables of $0.10/$0.25 and 800 hands and 3 hours later I was sitting with $70 / $55 / $30 on the tables for a tidy profit of $80. I didnt really have any tough decisions to make tonight, my opponents wernt really applying any sort of squeeze to me and were basically letting me get away with murder. Add to this the fact that I hit about 75% of my flush draws and thats where my profit came from. This session was different to the last in that I didnt pick up big hands preflop very often. I think I had AK twice, QQ twice and JJ a few times and that was it but my profit didnt even come from these hands but mainly from suited aces and suited connectors, as well as the fact that I hit 2 straight flushes (one was a royal) and also flopped a set of 8's two hands running. The only hand out of those that I really got paid was the 2nd set of 8's where someone else completed their flush on a turn that also paired the board.

My bankroll on Party is now $330 and I've set myself a target of at least getting to $500 before I attempt to move up to $0.25/$0.50. Most people say that you need at least 30 buyins to move up a level which equals $1500 but with my style of play I dont tend to go on major downswings and tend to limit my loses and therefore by moving up with just 10 buyins I still dont feel my bankroll will be in any sort of danger. Saying this however I am quite contented to stay at this level as I am enjoying it greatly. I had in the previous month been "going off" poker a little bit but that has all changed now, I think maybe because I have settled down a bit... i.e i'm doing sweet FA and the test will come at the end of this week when my schedule will start to become a little more packed. I thinked my relaxed mind has helped my game a lot in the last few days so we will see if that changes things.

As for the things I've got coming up soon on Tuesday I'm playing/destroying Cashy at golf and then having a mock interview with my aunt and uncle to go over a few things for a couple of job interviews I've got coming up. Then on Friday I get my degree results and find out whether my unnamed housemates did really drag me down far enough to get a 2:2. Then Monday I have an interview up in London for a summer placement with Transport for London and on Tuesday I travel to Epsom to have an assessment centre for a graduate job with Atkins Global which is a two day thing and I'll be put up in a hotel overnight. Unfortunately this clashes with the Uni footie 5's which I had been looking forward to playing which is a shame, but this is my future we're talking about...

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