Saturday, June 09, 2007

Poker Tracker

I downloaded the trial version of Pokertracker (max 1000 hands) and loaded the 643 hands of my last session into it. I however have little clue as to what to use it for but it churned out these stats for me:

Total Profit: $151.63
BB/100hands: 47.16
Vol. put $ in pot: 31.42
Pre-flop raise %: 12.75
Won when saw a flop: 39.91%
Won when went to showdown: 65.15%
Went to showdown when saw a flop: 30.28%
First action to raise on flop after pre-flop raise: 9.25%

Rather disappointingly I only pulled out the check-raise 8 times in the 643 hands.

Having read a few other blogs and forums I know people often give 3 numbers as an indicator of how they play, ie 28/25/9 and I'm just wondering what those stats are and what they mean? I'm guessing I'm a fairly tight player and call rather than raise too much pre flop but it would be interesting if anyone could post comments on these stats. I hear that pokertracker is an immensly important tool to have access to so am considering purchasing it if I can get an insight into using it to my advantage to identify leaks in my game and also allow me to select tables to play at.

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