Thursday, October 09, 2008

Return to the norm...

Well, what I hope will be the norm anyway. A winning evening that is!

Having failed to cash in any of the 6 STT's I played on Tuesday I was looking to get off to a good start last night...didn't happen...I failed to cash in the first 4 games that I played, bubbling two of them, and I was thinking "here we go again"...then came the rush though and I managed to cash in the remaining 5 that I had going! I managed to win 2, have two 2nd's and finished 3rd in the other for a return of $180 from my $99 outlay.

So in brief summary of my recent STT's I have played 34, cashing in 15, for a profit of $146 with an ROI of 72%.

My bankroll currently sits at $907.

My 5 sessions so far have been +$56, -$16, +$91, -$66, +$81... So hopefully tonight I can buck the trend that's appearing of winning one day and then losing the next. I probably won't be able to play too many though as I have to pick the missus up from shopping at 8pm so won't be able to start any before about 9ish. I haven't got too much planned for the weekend though so hopefully will be able to put in some decent hours then.

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