Thursday, October 16, 2008


Not been much poker action recently, I think I've had 4 small sessions since my last post which ended +$3, -$44, +$4, -$8 so not too good. Hopefully get back on it tonight! I have noticed that the dollar has been getting stronger against the pound so my target of reaching $1100 seems to keep getting further away as the exchange rate keeps changing! (My account is in the Great British Pound) I think I have about £510 in Party at the moment, which a few months ago would have been good for at least $1020, now it's closer to $900 if not less!

My birthday was good, Jo threw a surprise party for me and I literally had no idea about it. I came back from golf with her brother and both our families were waiting for me! Was a good laugh, we had a 13 person table tennis tournament which I ended up finishing second in, losing to my dad in the final. Got some good presents as well. The new Tiger Woods for the PS3 and some golfing attire were the main highlights!

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