Monday, October 27, 2008

Enter the Matrix...

I was tempted back to Full Tilt by their new "Matrix" tournaments at the weekend. Basically it's a series of 4 sit and go's played at the same time against the same players. Basically 1/5th of the buy-in is allocated for each of the 4 games and the other 5th is for the top 3 performers in the game. This means that to play the equivalent of my usual $11 buyins I need to play $55 matrix tournaments ($11 per game (x4) and $11 for the matrix pool). The games seemed to take a while to fill up though and so I ended up playing a couple of $33 ones as these filled quicker. Promising results too:

My sit and go game has always been based around playing very tight in the early and middle stages and then loosening up when my stack gets to around 8-10BB's. This obviously means I rarely exit sit and go's before there are 5 players left which is very good for this format it would seem. To cash in 8 of the 10 I've played may well prove to be "beginner's luck" but hopefully it means that this sort of game is suited to my style and in the long run can be very profitable for me.

One of my biggest faults when playing these days is that I don't really pay attention to what people are doing at each table (I usually have 6 tables on the go) and don't make notes so when I come up against a marginal decision I have nothing to base making that decision on. By playing against the same 8 players on 4 different tables there is much more opportunity to get useful information as players will usually play the same way on each table rather than mixing it up so you can cross-reference notes and situations.

So my Full Tilt account is now back over $400 which is nice. On to Party.... took a bit of a hit the other night...when I went back to the dark side. Yes that's right I played some cash games. Oops. I was watching the Cannon destroy the field in a tournament (think it was the Super Thursday - he eventually took 2nd for over $3k) and it was quite late but I wanted to rail him for a bit more. I thought there was no point starting a sit and go as he might bust out in a couple of hands so I thought I'd just play a bit of $0.25/0.50 on a couple of table until he went out. About 20 minutes later and I'd lost $200...

Basically I played like a prat and the players on the tables cottoned on to that. The number of times I check-raised and then got reraised was unreal! Anyway, I had a stack of $75 on one of the tables and I finally got a break when I came up against someone who had been playing back at me a lot and had me covered. I raised pre UTG with JTs, BB calls. Flop comes Ace Ten 7, he checks I bet the pot, he flats. Turn comes Ten. Bingo! He's never going to believe me, he leads out...what? I raise, he reraises..."he must be playing back with something marginal" the voice says in my head, I make the call, he shows 77, goodnight Cheese.

Also - damn the weak pound! That little session would have only cost me £100 a month ago, it cost about £130 then though! So my roll shrunk by over 1/5th from £500 to £370. Managed to play a few more sit and gos over the weekend and get it back up to £400, so I'm going to take that as the price I pay for a lesson in sticking to the games I win at...until the next time that is...

Won't be playing much over the next week or so, got a lecture tonight, going round my parents on Wednesday for a meal and to watch the Arsenal-Spurs game and then I'm in Loughborough Thursday and Friday for a work course.

On the topic of Spurs, what a shock that a text Saturday night about midnight from Marc saying Ramos was sacked and Harry was lined up for the job! Switched on Sky Sports News and they're talking to Mr Redknapp himself and he's confirming that he's the Spurs manager...then an even bigger shock....Tottenham won a game! So we must have turned a corner? Doubt it... Arsenal and Liverpool next up...

In all seriousness though I think he will do well for us. His teams all seem to have a great team spirit and he's a good man-manager which is something Spurs have been lacking since Martin Jol got shunted. On that note I would much rather have seen the headline "Ramos, Comolli and Poyet sacked...Jol back in." I miss the great man. So glad to see he's doing well at Hamburg. One thing that annoys me about virtually ever manager is the way they complain about every single little thing that goes against them (Southgate excluded). I never heard Jol have a go at a ref or bemoan the teams luck once, even when Mendes "scored" that goal from the half-way line against United that went about 2 yards over the goal-line but wasn't given he just laughed it off. He is my hero and I'll leave you with one of my favourite quotes from him:

On Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger: 'I did really well to hold myself back. I really don't think he realises how strong I am, otherwise he wouldn't approach me with headbutts and everything.'

Friday, October 17, 2008

General Musing

I got the train in to work today as I'm having a few drinks and a meal after work. I got a bus to the station (£1.70) and at the ticket office was informed my ticket was £29.70. It then took me 2 and a quarter hours to get in to the office...

Now... for a country that is promoting public transport and trying to reduce congestion on the roads, they sure aren't doing a good job in my opinion! I usually spend £40-45 a WEEK on petrol driving to work, yet to have the privilege of spending an extra hour and a quarter commuting I pay 2/3rds of that for ONE DAY!

So I for one shall be sticking to driving. Cheaper, quicker and more comfortable.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Not been much poker action recently, I think I've had 4 small sessions since my last post which ended +$3, -$44, +$4, -$8 so not too good. Hopefully get back on it tonight! I have noticed that the dollar has been getting stronger against the pound so my target of reaching $1100 seems to keep getting further away as the exchange rate keeps changing! (My account is in the Great British Pound) I think I have about £510 in Party at the moment, which a few months ago would have been good for at least $1020, now it's closer to $900 if not less!

My birthday was good, Jo threw a surprise party for me and I literally had no idea about it. I came back from golf with her brother and both our families were waiting for me! Was a good laugh, we had a 13 person table tennis tournament which I ended up finishing second in, losing to my dad in the final. Got some good presents as well. The new Tiger Woods for the PS3 and some golfing attire were the main highlights!

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Return to the norm...

Well, what I hope will be the norm anyway. A winning evening that is!

Having failed to cash in any of the 6 STT's I played on Tuesday I was looking to get off to a good start last night...didn't happen...I failed to cash in the first 4 games that I played, bubbling two of them, and I was thinking "here we go again"...then came the rush though and I managed to cash in the remaining 5 that I had going! I managed to win 2, have two 2nd's and finished 3rd in the other for a return of $180 from my $99 outlay.

So in brief summary of my recent STT's I have played 34, cashing in 15, for a profit of $146 with an ROI of 72%.

My bankroll currently sits at $907.

My 5 sessions so far have been +$56, -$16, +$91, -$66, +$81... So hopefully tonight I can buck the trend that's appearing of winning one day and then losing the next. I probably won't be able to play too many though as I have to pick the missus up from shopping at 8pm so won't be able to start any before about 9ish. I haven't got too much planned for the weekend though so hopefully will be able to put in some decent hours then.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Even the best laid plans...

Seems like plans are easy to make but hard to implement. Played 6 SNG's last night, failed to cash in any... I found myself down to my last two SNG's needing to win at least one to recoup some pride/money and was well positioned in one and picked up Aces in the Big Blind, it went UTG raise, Button reraise, I shove, UTG fold, Button calls with QTs!!! Obviously the flop is KJ9 to give him the nuts and next hand I run AQ into AK and am out and very tilted which did not bode well for the other sit and go which I promptly also busted out of.

So I now need $266 to move up a level. Also I didn't get to try out Nash's Equilibrium Push/Fold table heads-up because I didn't make it that far!

Oh well...trying again tonight hopefully...

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

A man with a plan

I've got my drive back to play poker now that I've started grinding the Sit and Go's again. I'm currently still on the $11 games but have worked out a plan to move up the stakes.

Having played the last few nights I've managed to get my Party bankroll up to over £500 and about $900. In that time I've played 19 games, cashing in over half of them (10), winning 4, coming 2nd in 4 and 3rd twice. So over this small sample I've managed to win $171 with a ROI of 81%!!! Obviously I'm loving the fact that I seem to be running so good and hope that is in part down to playing good as well so long may it continue although I expect that ROI to drop when "variance/doomswitch" inevitably kicks in.

So to the plan...

Basically I'm going to focus on Party Poker again as it seems the softness of the games there far outweigh the fact that I can get bonuses elsewhere. My current bankroll is around $900 and my plan is to move up stakes when I have 50 buy-ins for the next level and if I move up and hit a bad patch move back down if I drop 40 buyins for that level.

Move up to $22's @ $1100 (Move back down @ $900)

Move up to $33's @ $1650 (Move back down @ $1320)

Move up to $55's @ $2750 (Move back down @ $2200)

I'm pretty sure that the games are going to get tougher as I move up the stakes so each jump will represent a new challenge. For the first time in my poker career I feel like I actually have something to work towards though as in the past I've been happy to just grind out at small stakes without any thought of moving up. I'm not setting any timescales to achieve this though as I do not know how regularly I'll actually be able to play and I don't want to force myself to play.

Looking at the first goal I need to make about $200 at the $11 tables to move up to the $22's so I did a few calculations to estimate how many games it may take me to achieve this goal.

At my current Party ROI of 80% - 23 games.
At 50% - 36 games
At 30% - 61 games
At 20% - 91 games
At 15% - 121 games
At 10% - 182 games

Hopefully I can consolidate somewhere in the region of 10-20% ROI minimum. I usually fire the games up in sets of 6 which would mean returning $80 from my buy-ins for a 20% ROI.

Wow...I love my stats...

On a related note I've been reading PokerPlayer magazine recently and found an interesting article from Jennifear on Heads-Up play in SNG's when the blinds are high, basically involving a chart based on pushing or folding every hand depending on the relative stack sizes compared to the blinds. The chart is devised from the "Nash Equilibrium" theory ( and is basically a how to on perfect shoving heads-up. I'm going to try and find the chart and print it off so that I can refer to it tonight when I get heads up and see if that works for me! Often when I've got a lot of games going at once and a couple are heads-up things get a bit manic so hopefully this will allow me to calm things down by just refering to the chart as to whether I should push or fold!

Till next time...

Friday, October 03, 2008

15 months...50 posts...

I suppose this is a time for reflection. I have been blogging for 15 months now (on and off) and my initial feeling is that I have not achieved much in poker terms. In terms of money I'm probably up a little bit in this period from poker, although my overall poker bankroll has probably shrunk due to cashing out money and moving it about.

On 07 June 2007 I mention that:

1. I had a £5 bonus in Party - My Party account now sits at £430 having just cashed out £225 from it.

2. I had about $700 in Sun Poker - I recently cashed out $701 having been informed by their customer services that I was soon going to be charged a "dormant fee" if I did not use the site soon.

3. I had £700 in Noble Poker - I withdrew £400 later that month and currently have just over £200 in there I think.

Further to that I have around $350 in Full Tilt poker. In fact I'm going to side-track a bit and talk about my roller-coaster at Full Tilt as I played briefly last night there. Last time I blogged my Full Tilt balance was at $520 (from an initial $400 and high of $650, well since then it's been a bit of a disaster. My roll went down to a low of about $290 but last night I sat down for the first time in a while and played a bit to get it back up to $350.

Basically I haven't been able to play much due to a lack of internet in the new flat but now that is all sorted so I should be able to play a bit more now. Last night was my first chance at a session, although I only had about an hour and a half, so I fired up 6 $11 sit and go's and managed to win 3 of them! I played solid and ran good too. In 2 of the 3 I didn't win I busted out OK, (a flip when short and 66 vs JJ when I was short for 5th place both times) although the other one I made a stupid play to finish 4th where I had 8BB's in the BB and button raised to 2.5xBB and I shoved with A9, he called with 99 and the board didn't help. That wouldn't have annoyed me too much except for the fact that the guy to my left only had 6BB's and I hadn't realised when I shoved so I really could have waited for a better spot I think. It does feel good to run good for once as well, after I lost the first flip I was involved in I won the next 4 I got in and even managed to come from behind a couple of times when all-in preflop. I was very confident when it got heads-up as well, even though I had a chip deficit in 2 out of the 3 games, I always felt as though I was in control and it was nice to close out all 3 games.

My Full Tilt SNG stats are pretty impressive thus far:

I've played 2 x $6 games and came 1st and 6th for $11 profit.

I've played 12 x $11 games, finishing 1st x 4, 3rd x 2, 4th x 2, 5th x 3 and 6th x 1 for $84 profit.

So $95 profit from 14 games so far with a ROI of 66% is very encouraging (although unsustainable I think).

A further side-note on my Full Tilt games, here are a few figures to illustrate how bad I have been at cash games recently:

Starting balance: $400
Rakeback Received: +$45
Bonus Received: +$80
SNG Games: +$95
End Balance: $350

So that means my cash game figure is -$270 which isn't too bad...until I factor in that I was sitting on $250 profit in cash games when I first started so recently have actually been down over $500!

This is why I am now going to make a conscious effort to stick to SNG's, and try to fit in some MTT's at the weekends when I have a bit more time.

So that's poker out of the way... now on to other stuff.

First of all the flat is still awesome, with the internet now set up and Sky coming this weekend to install the Sky box everything is falling into place. The new pool table and table tennis table are amazing and have been well used in the 2 weeks we've had them so far, and long may that continue.

Secondly, and much more importantly, the 4G's Annual Okehampton Invitational occurred last weekend so I thought I'd write a little trip report for it.

Nine of us travelled down there, Cashy drove me the 4 or so hours it took which I am very thankful for (we were of course last to get there). First bit of gambling I took part in was a putting contest with the Cannon, won the first round for £5, won the second round for £5 and was in the process of destroying him in the 3rd match having even given him a headstart when we decided to stop as it was too crowded on the putting green.

So, after a bite to eat and the placing of a few wagers we went out for our first round. Everyone agreed to put in £10 for the main competition with £60 to first and £30 to second, whilst myself, Cashpoint, Dog and Cannon had a £10 sidebet just on the first round. We played stableford from these handicaps:

Brenty: 16
Dog: 16
Cashy: 16
Cheese: 18
Liam: 19
Cannon: 20
Reevesy: 24
Brad: 28
Big Tone: 28

After the each round a few calculations were made to adjust people's handicaps whereby for every point you shot below your handicap 0.4 of a shot was taken away and for every point above your handicap 0.2 of a shot was added to your handicap.

At this point I should probably mention that I thought I had done myself some serious damage the night before when lifting the table tennis table and was in pain just swinging the golf club. My first tee shot did not help as I smashed it out of bounds. My second ball from the tee ended up a few feet short of the green (it was a short par 4) but I still got zero points for that hole. Things picked up for me though and I strung together 9 holes of bogeys or better and was feeling a lot looser than when I started and ended up picking up 34 points. This left me in 4th position after the first round, although already 8 shots behind Brenty (42) in the lead, with Reevesy (41) and Cashy (36) between us. Brad and Big Tone both shot low 30's to keep in touch whilst Liam, Dog and Cannon (21) had pretty much thrown their chances away early on. We played a bit of snooker that night, although the "tournament" turned into a bit of a shambles and I don't think it was completed in the end.

On to round 2 and a very solid performance saw me card 38 points and included only one blob on my card. I managed to birdie 2 of the holes as well which made a huge difference. Cashy shot a 30 to fall 6 behind me in 3rd place whilst Brenty card a 36 (now playing off 14) to lead me by 6 going in to the last round.

A good start to the last round was essential to try and close the gap to Brenty early, and I got it with a bogey and birdie giving me 6 points from the opening 2 holes. Combine this with Brenty blobbing these 2 holes and we were tying for the lead already! He blobbed the next as well, I parred it and all of a sudden had a 3 shot lead!!! Some exceptional golf follow and I had 22 points at the turn despite blobbing one of the holes. After 11 holes my lead stood at 2 points but then Brenty completely blew up and ended up with just 18 points for the round. I parred the last hole to finish with 37 points for my round to beat him by 13 points and it was Cashy and Big Tone who finished joint second, 7 points behind me.

I must say I probably played the most consistent golf for a long time in those three rounds, and was the only person who was correctly handicapped in the end as my handicap didn't deviate from 18 all weekend. My overall score was equivalent to one under par for my handicap! So I pocketed the £60 for first as well as taking home the outstanding trophy that the Dog had provided! It is now sitting proudly above the TV in my flat.

On the Saturday evening I teamed up with the Dog to take on Cashy and Big Tone in a greensomes/£2 skins/£5 matchplay competition that proved to be a brilliant format. Things were looking bright when we won the 4th hole to capture 4 skins and move one up in the match play, they then won 2 holes out of three to take the lead in the match play whilst they still trailed by a skin. I then sunk a huge putt on the 10th hole to move 7-3 up in skins and level the matchplay before we halved the next 2 holes and were forced by the light to call it a day with an £8 profit. We then raced back to the clubhouse with Cashy and Big Tone taking a short cut, imagine my surprise when I stop at the top of a steep hill to suddenly hear Cashy shout "Big Tone"... cue me rolling forward a bit to see a buggy overturned at the bottom of the hill and Cashy shouting for us to get down there quick. Turns out Big Tone was trapped underneath it with the buggy digging in to his ankle. Dog turned out to be the hero, sprinting down the hill and single-handedly lifting the buggy off Tone... who's ankle was very swollen for a while but was fit enough to play the rest of the weekend's golf.

That wasn't the end of the excitement for the weekend. Myself, Cashy, Dog and Cannon also played 2 lots of 9 holes in a "World Series of Golf" format (, stumping up £25 each for the pleasure. In my rich vein of form I thoroughly trounced the opposition and by the time I had won on the 17th green I must have won or split around 11-12 of the holes! The highlights included Cannon and Dog fighting it out around the 9th green having gone all-in after their tee shots on a par 3. The hole was eventually won in 5 by the Cannon which crippled the dog. I sank a huge bending pressure put on the 13th to avoid doubling Cashy up and then knocked him out a couple of holes later sinking another 8 footer before finishing off the Cannon having got it all-in pre on the par 3 17th for all the tea in China, allowing me to take the £100 first prize!

Overall the place and the trip was amazing and we are making it an annual event. The rooms were nothing special but literally all we did was sleep and shower in them so they didn't need to be. The food was ok and plentiful, not gourmet but I'm not one to complain and we never went hungry! The courses were top-notch considering the amount of use they must get throughout the year. The evening activities were abundant and more importantly free too, we played snooker and darts but also one afternoon we managed to fit in a game of bowls! Which myself and Big Tone excelled at although did not get to play our final in the end.

Wow, this has been a lot longer than expected...over 2,000 words...should probably do some work now...