Sunday, June 15, 2008

Back in the black...

After my nightmare the other day I bravely went back to the tables today and ground out a $50 profit to push myself back above zero. Of course I have the graph to show you:

Nothing spectacular really. Just grinding away, had my usual dip when I started and thought my bad run may continue but managed to pull it together and make a few hands which was nice.

I'm currently watching the US Open, got a few quid on it as well, I've been betting and laying for the last couple of days and the upshot of it is that if Westwood wins I win £20 profit, Mediate wins I get £40 profit and I had a free £50 which I stuck on Woods yesterday at 9/4 when he was 5 shots behind the leader with 6 holes to play, when I got up this morning he was 8/15on and 1 shot in front! So was loving that, but wish I'd laid a bit of that bet because he's not looking too good today so far.

I'm also watching Ed "The Cannon" Roger (Wendyx25) in action in the $300k on Party, currently 50 left and he's got ~200k chips with the average about 150k. First prize is $60,000 so I am hoping and praying that he takes it down, will be so good for him and it's only a matter of time before he gets a big score like he might do tonight. Hopefully when he does he won't get too big headed and still play the 10p/20p home games...

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