Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Little Poker...

Have played for a grand total of 30 minutes since last Wednesday, sat down with my whole Stars bankroll ($33) for a quick 30 minute session last night whilst watching the Arsenal game and managed to grind my way to $51 in that time. I'm not planning on playing too much before the RSOP next week which I've taken the Thursday and Friday off work for it.

Plan as it stands at the moment is to meet at the Cannon's pad in London Thursday morning, travel down to Reading in some sort of convoy and then play golf during the day if we have time before the £20 PL Omaha on Thursday night at the Cotton Club. Friday is either golf if we didn't play Thursday or maybe a trip down Riley's to lose plenty of money to the N-Dog. Hopefully the Reading Poker Committee will manage to organise the IHO (Irish/Hold'em/Omaha) tournament for Friday night as was a good laugh last year but failing that I'm sure we'll find some other way to amuse ourselves. Then the main event on Saturday, £55 freezeout with 10k stacks and then a night at the union with the other players (or ballas as they like to be called) as well as my missus and her little brother who are coming down. Sunday fingers crossed will still be in the main event but if not will just find somewhere to watch the Carling Cup final, c'mon you Spurs...

As for the rest of this week, I'm going to see Strictly Come Dancing at the O2 Wednesday night (was forced into it) and then embarking on a long romantic weekend with the missus down to...Dover...well near there anyway....looking forward to it. Seriously.

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