Wednesday, February 27, 2008

All Change...

You may have noticed a little colour change to the blog...and if you haven't you must be a bit of an idiot (Cashy).

The reason for the change is that it looks less obvious when I'm looking at it at work. In fact I think there should be an option where you can make every page you look at on the whole internet simple black and white text and background so people wouldn't notice what you're looking at because your screen's all black etc...

Anyway, haven't posted in a while and as I finally have something worth posting about thought I'd better keep my reader (there is no s on the end of that for a reason) happy and write aboout my experiences of my first visit back to Reading for the annual Reading Series of Poker.

There's quite alot to write about so I'll split it over a few posts as I haven't got the time to write it all out at once. In fact a good method would be 3 posts, one for Thursday (Omaha tourney + Club Risa), one for Friday (Golf + IHO tourney + Random games at hotel) and one for the weekend (Main Event + Union) you're all wetting yourself with excitement...

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