Thursday, November 06, 2008

23 and counting...

I'm not just talking about my age, I played another 6 sit and go's last night ($12 turbos) and failed to win any of them despite cashing in 4 of them (3 x 3rds and 1 x 2nd) so the run goes on to 23. Came very close to breaking it though when I was all-in with A6 vs KT for all the tea in China, the board bricked until the river King to hand him the pot and leave me all-in on the blind.

2 of the 3rd places I got knocked out getting it in good versus slightly bigger stacks and getting outdrawn and in all the games I played I didn't outdraw anyone once, I won a few coinflips but got drawn out on a few times. Oh well though, I still feel like I'm playing pretty well, just missing the luck at key times at the moment.

It's been a while since I posted a graph so here are my Full Tilt sit and go results:

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