Tuesday, September 09, 2008

49 not out...

Yep, this is the 49th post of this blog, just a quick one to make sure I don't go a whole month without posting (made it just in time), and to let you know how things have been going for me recently.

Well...where to start? Job-wise things are going good, been at Atkins just over a year now and still enjoying it. Got to get out the office the other week to go on a 3-day expenses paid trip to Bournemouth to look at a few junctions! Was a good laugh, managed to wangle it so Terry and I drove round together so it was a lot more fun than it would have been with one of the other guys. The bad thing about it was that we still had to get up and out by about 8:30am, but on 2 of the days we were finished by just after lunchtime and the hotel had a snooker table (albeit with pool cues) so we spent quite a bit of time in there. Also had an impromptu heads-up poker game one evening which I completely dominated before getting it all-in pre with AA versus his 33. I hadn't even finished my sentence "A three had better not..." when the first card out was a 3 and I ended up a loser in the game...

Online poker-wise I have not played very much recently, mainly because of BT, who not only want us to pay £125 for them to most probably flick a switch and "connect" our phone line, but also gave me a date of the 17th Sept for when an engineer was available to do what is likely to be a 5-minute job. Which means that I currently have no home internet connection so my poker exploits have been limited to brief forrays round the missus's parents house. My Full Tilt bankroll is down to about $520 from its high of $650, of which $80 is bonuses/rakeback which shows it's importance. I've had a few sick beats dealt on me the last couple of days which have hurt, AA cracked by TT all-pre, My 6 9 off splitting with my opponents 9 4 suited (blind battle) getting it all-in on the turn with the board reading T 8 7 5, that was a $100 pot that should have all been shipped my way. Also had an $80 pot all-in on the turn on a board of 7 7 7 Q, I had 5 5, he had K 3, obviously K on the river ships the pot to him...ah well, at least it shows there's money to be made from complete morons out there...

Finally, the flat is looking really good (mainly due to Jo keeping everything neat,clean and tidy) and we're settling in wonderfully. It's nice to be able to come home from a tough days work to your own house and just relax. The new pool table with table tennis top is being delivered next week as well so I'll have that to look forward to as the current pool table rolls all over the place as its about 10 years old and very unstable. That being said I did go on a 14 match winning streak when we first set it up...

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