Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Not so good...

...but hanging in there.

My results recently have been pretty disappointing. I have failed to win a sit and go in my last 17 attempts which is by far the longest run I've had since I started playing them again. I have however managed to cash in 7 of those 17 games (41%) so that's why I'm "hanging in there", however 6 of the cashes were for 3rd place which is pretty disappointing. So I've lost about $50 recently which isn't too bad seeing as I have been on a fairly miserable run of luck.

It's not the 50/50's that I'm running bad in, I'm probably about even for them, it's the one's where I'm 60/40+ where I have A6 and get called by KT or something similar I seem to keep losing them and when it's reversed I never seem to outdraw anyone!

Anyway, I'm not too disheartened, I'm sure things will even themselves out eventually, I'm pretty lucky in life with the things that I have had and do have now so I can't really complain about losing a few dollars here and there at poker.

Here's a link to the Okehampton Golf Trip video that I made for those of you who can access it on Facebook:

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