My Full Tilt balance is over $800 for the first time. Although looking back around $300 of it is from rakeback/bonuses so I'm actually only $100 in profit through playing from my original deposit. Saying that though with the value of the dollar increasing against the pound I've probably made a few quid just by having that money sitting there!
I downloaded the new PokerTracker on Friday just to see what was different. Seems a bit more user friendly and the HUD seems to work well despite all the horror stories I've heard about it. You get a 2 month free trial so I'm using that at the moment. I'm picking my tables with the aid of as well. Literally using that to pick the juiciest tables. Seems to be working well, I've made $180 since I bought it which is nice, would have been more had my aces not been cracked by QJ on a Q93 board in a $60 pot the other night, apart from that the bad beats have been fairly limited on the cash tables.
On the sit and go front my volume has dropped off somewhat although when I have played them in the last couple of weeks I've done pretty well:

A nice $100+ profit from my last 30 or so sit and go's.
Here's a graph of them as well:

So things are looking promising on all fronts it would seem. On the horizon for me is a decent session tonight after watching the Spurs game and then I'm going to the lads flat tomorrow night for a cheeky 10p/20p game which should be a laugh as it's been a while. I can see that being a late one so Saturday will probably be spent recovering and then Sunday Jo and I are putting our Christmas tree up! Exciting times...