Had a bit of a mixed weekend, both on and off the poker tables.
Jo was/is really ill so pretty much spent the whole weekend looking after her (BAD) and getting very little sleep (BAD), football was called off due to a waterlogged pitch (BAD), however this did mean that I got to watch the Spurs match (GOOD) and we managed to get a draw against United (GOOD). Also I watched the latest Batman movie (GOOD) and started to get in to House (GOOD).
The poker was equally mixed but ended up in profit for the weekend. On Full Tilt I started the weekend on $760, was down to $680 at one stage, then back up to $770 before dropping to $700 and then ending up at about $830. I stuck mainly to the $22 and $33 Matrix tournaments.
The $33 one's represented my swings well:
1st Matrix: 1st, 1st, 3rd, 7th, 1st Overall. = $64 profit.
2nd Matrix: 7th, 8th, 9th, 9th, 9th Overall. = $36 loss.
3rd Matrix: 1st, 1st, 2nd, 4th, 1st Overall. = $70 profit.
4th Matrix: 2nd, 6th, 6th, 8th, 7th Overall. = $18 loss.
On Party I managed to run my £410 bankroll down to £375 and then back up to £460 over the weekend.
Included in this weekend's games was my best ever set of sit and go's, which came on Sunday evening. I played a $33 Matrix on full Tilt (the 3rd one from above) and also played 2 $11 tables on Party to bring my table numbers up to 6. My results in these 6 sit and go's were:
1st, 1st, 1st, 1st, 2nd and 4th (as well as a 1st in the overall matrix) so I was very happy with that return.
Probably won't be playing much over the next week or so, I'm playing football tonight so won't be in until late and then on Thursday I have my Christmas meal at work and on Friday Jo's work Christmas do. Saturday I will hopefully be playing football and then might be doing something with Marc, so a pretty packed schedule in the build-up to Christmas!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Monday, December 08, 2008
Fun/Painful weekend...
Have had a couple of pretty busy weekends recently. Last weekend spent Friday night up at the lads flat in London playing a bit of poker, ended up about £20 down in the 10p/20p shenanigans but had a pretty good time. Picked up aces once but apart from that was pretty card dead and action dead.
I play so differently in the live game to what I do online, maybe because of the players, I hardly played any hands and sat tight waiting to hit something knowing the aggressive nature of the game should allow me to get paid off but ended up making an uncharacteristic move to get it all in for £40 with an up and down straight draw, unfortunately against a set, and didn't hit either of the two times we ran it.
I bled a bit more then one a couple of nice pots, firstly when I turned a boat with A9 vs Alec's A7 on an 779 board (turn 9), he was steaming at this point and called my small shove knowing he was behind I think. Then I called the Cannon down with Ace high to win a nice little pot but apart from that pretty much got run over. Big Tone was the big winner of the night, I think he had about £350 on the table by the end of the night.
The rest of the weekend was spent doing shopping and decorating the flat for Christmas. We got our new sofa on Thursday which meant the living room sofa/armchair got put up in the games room which is a sweet upgrade.
The Friday rolled around and the work Christmas do. This is where the fun/pain starts...
Had a good laugh and a few drinks, was expecting to have to pay for the drinks/food at the end of the night but the company picked up the bill which was awesome, saved a good £25-£30 there I think.
Got home at about 1am feeling a bit ill so rather than go to bed thought I'd play a quick game of poker...loaded up a $22 matrix tournament and it was only when the first hand was dealt that I realised it was an Pot Limit Omaha Hi-Lo matrix game!!! Was quite drunk still and so it was tough...but somehow managed to luckbox my way to a win, a second and a second overall in the matrix to return $44! The highlight was waking up to the sound of my laptop beeping and being very confused before realising that I must have fallen asleep mid-game. By this time it was heads-up and I had just over 1 big blind left and I just called/shoved at every opportunity and managed to luckbox my way to the win! I then got up and went to the toilet and threw up and went to sleep.
Saturday morning I got up and forced myself to eat something, I was not a pretty sight, feeling very fragile, but needed to get something down me as I was playing football in the afternoon. Drove the 45 minutes to get there not feeling very good at all but once I got there and got outside into the fresh air I felt a bit better.
And so onto the game...now this was the first time I had done any sort of exercise for over 3 months, I was playing in the 3rd team as centre mid and looking at the fat old men in the opposition was pretty confident I could dominate. I was even more confident when in the first couple of minutes I received a throw-in, turned my man on the edge of the box and fired a shot narrowly wide...a few minutes later and I was shattered!
It didn't help that the "pitch" was pretty much a swamp and I had inappropriately short studs on which meant I was sliding all over the place but my fitness was just awful. We went one down pretty shockingly, the ball got played over the top into the corner and it looked like it would fly off for a goal kick but it just stuck in the mud and whilst all our defenders had just stopped, their attackers chased it , one picked it up and crossed for the other to tap in. We then had 4 one-on-ones with the keeper and only converted one of them to go in 1-1 at half-time.
The second half pretty much passed me by. We conceded from a corner fairly early on and then with about 20 minutes to go I got cramp in my left calf...then a few minutes later I jumped for a header and got cramp in my right calf...and as I landed the cramp came back in my left calf...so the last 20 minutes I literally just walked about pretty aimlessly as wave after wave of fat old men ran past me! It didn't help that with 25 minutes to go we had made our last sub, who got injured 2 minutes later meaning we had to play with 10 men! We conceded a silly penalty and they scored another scrappy one to make it 4-1 and although we got a late consolation we didn't deserve anything from the game.
So the rest of Saturday, Sunday and still today my whole body has been aching and I've got so many cuts and bruises all over my body. The worst is my right hand which got stood on after I had slipped over for the umpteenth time, my index and middle fingers were swollen to twice their size and you couldn't even see my knuckles and whilst the swelling has gone down a bit now it's still pretty painful.
Hopefully I can recover in time for next week though, I don't know if I'll get promoted to the 2nds as they won 7-1 this week but in time I fully expect to and hopefully once I've got my fitness up I can get back into the first team.
Played a bit of poker yesterday, lost a buyin on Full Tilt so played with $15 on Party's Omaha Hi-Lo, and got stacked when the turn and river counterfeited my low hand and made his high hand...so played a $3 turbo sit and go planning to shove every hand to let off some steam but found Queens first up and shoved UTG to get called by AK and A5. My queens held and so I played properly and must have won about 80% of pots to take it down, I was hitting everything. The highlight was when the blinds were 50/100 I was in the Big Blind and UTG went all-in for 130 chips, it got called in 4 places and I shoved with J4 having everyone covered, 2 people called one with AJ the other with 88 and the UTG had QQ. The board came A84...4...4...so sick.
I haven't got much planned for the next week or so, hopefully recover in time to put in a better effort at football on Saturday...
I play so differently in the live game to what I do online, maybe because of the players, I hardly played any hands and sat tight waiting to hit something knowing the aggressive nature of the game should allow me to get paid off but ended up making an uncharacteristic move to get it all in for £40 with an up and down straight draw, unfortunately against a set, and didn't hit either of the two times we ran it.
I bled a bit more then one a couple of nice pots, firstly when I turned a boat with A9 vs Alec's A7 on an 779 board (turn 9), he was steaming at this point and called my small shove knowing he was behind I think. Then I called the Cannon down with Ace high to win a nice little pot but apart from that pretty much got run over. Big Tone was the big winner of the night, I think he had about £350 on the table by the end of the night.
The rest of the weekend was spent doing shopping and decorating the flat for Christmas. We got our new sofa on Thursday which meant the living room sofa/armchair got put up in the games room which is a sweet upgrade.
The Friday rolled around and the work Christmas do. This is where the fun/pain starts...
Had a good laugh and a few drinks, was expecting to have to pay for the drinks/food at the end of the night but the company picked up the bill which was awesome, saved a good £25-£30 there I think.
Got home at about 1am feeling a bit ill so rather than go to bed thought I'd play a quick game of poker...loaded up a $22 matrix tournament and it was only when the first hand was dealt that I realised it was an Pot Limit Omaha Hi-Lo matrix game!!! Was quite drunk still and so it was tough...but somehow managed to luckbox my way to a win, a second and a second overall in the matrix to return $44! The highlight was waking up to the sound of my laptop beeping and being very confused before realising that I must have fallen asleep mid-game. By this time it was heads-up and I had just over 1 big blind left and I just called/shoved at every opportunity and managed to luckbox my way to the win! I then got up and went to the toilet and threw up and went to sleep.
Saturday morning I got up and forced myself to eat something, I was not a pretty sight, feeling very fragile, but needed to get something down me as I was playing football in the afternoon. Drove the 45 minutes to get there not feeling very good at all but once I got there and got outside into the fresh air I felt a bit better.
And so onto the game...now this was the first time I had done any sort of exercise for over 3 months, I was playing in the 3rd team as centre mid and looking at the fat old men in the opposition was pretty confident I could dominate. I was even more confident when in the first couple of minutes I received a throw-in, turned my man on the edge of the box and fired a shot narrowly wide...a few minutes later and I was shattered!
It didn't help that the "pitch" was pretty much a swamp and I had inappropriately short studs on which meant I was sliding all over the place but my fitness was just awful. We went one down pretty shockingly, the ball got played over the top into the corner and it looked like it would fly off for a goal kick but it just stuck in the mud and whilst all our defenders had just stopped, their attackers chased it , one picked it up and crossed for the other to tap in. We then had 4 one-on-ones with the keeper and only converted one of them to go in 1-1 at half-time.
The second half pretty much passed me by. We conceded from a corner fairly early on and then with about 20 minutes to go I got cramp in my left calf...then a few minutes later I jumped for a header and got cramp in my right calf...and as I landed the cramp came back in my left calf...so the last 20 minutes I literally just walked about pretty aimlessly as wave after wave of fat old men ran past me! It didn't help that with 25 minutes to go we had made our last sub, who got injured 2 minutes later meaning we had to play with 10 men! We conceded a silly penalty and they scored another scrappy one to make it 4-1 and although we got a late consolation we didn't deserve anything from the game.
So the rest of Saturday, Sunday and still today my whole body has been aching and I've got so many cuts and bruises all over my body. The worst is my right hand which got stood on after I had slipped over for the umpteenth time, my index and middle fingers were swollen to twice their size and you couldn't even see my knuckles and whilst the swelling has gone down a bit now it's still pretty painful.
Hopefully I can recover in time for next week though, I don't know if I'll get promoted to the 2nds as they won 7-1 this week but in time I fully expect to and hopefully once I've got my fitness up I can get back into the first team.
Played a bit of poker yesterday, lost a buyin on Full Tilt so played with $15 on Party's Omaha Hi-Lo, and got stacked when the turn and river counterfeited my low hand and made his high hand...so played a $3 turbo sit and go planning to shove every hand to let off some steam but found Queens first up and shoved UTG to get called by AK and A5. My queens held and so I played properly and must have won about 80% of pots to take it down, I was hitting everything. The highlight was when the blinds were 50/100 I was in the Big Blind and UTG went all-in for 130 chips, it got called in 4 places and I shoved with J4 having everyone covered, 2 people called one with AJ the other with 88 and the UTG had QQ. The board came A84...4...4...so sick.
I haven't got much planned for the next week or so, hopefully recover in time to put in a better effort at football on Saturday...
Thursday, December 04, 2008
The benefit of having a blog is...
That I can play in the Pokerstars online blogging Championship for free!!!

Not sure how many of the events I'll be able to actually play, but it's free so it doesn't matter! Haven't played on Pokerstars for a while and haven't played MTT's either for a while so will be a nice little change.

I have registered to play in the PokerStars World Blogger Championship of Online Poker!
This PokerStars tournament is a No Limit Texas Hold’em event exclusive to Bloggers.
Registration code: 834659
Not sure how many of the events I'll be able to actually play, but it's free so it doesn't matter! Haven't played on Pokerstars for a while and haven't played MTT's either for a while so will be a nice little change.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wishing I could play more...
That's my general feeling at the moment. Going through a bit of a good streak where I'm very happy with the way that I am playing, both at Sit and Go's AND cash games!!!
My Full Tilt balance is over $800 for the first time. Although looking back around $300 of it is from rakeback/bonuses so I'm actually only $100 in profit through playing from my original deposit. Saying that though with the value of the dollar increasing against the pound I've probably made a few quid just by having that money sitting there!
I downloaded the new PokerTracker on Friday just to see what was different. Seems a bit more user friendly and the HUD seems to work well despite all the horror stories I've heard about it. You get a 2 month free trial so I'm using that at the moment. I'm picking my tables with the aid of www.tableratings.com as well. Literally using that to pick the juiciest tables. Seems to be working well, I've made $180 since I bought it which is nice, would have been more had my aces not been cracked by QJ on a Q93 board in a $60 pot the other night, apart from that the bad beats have been fairly limited on the cash tables.
On the sit and go front my volume has dropped off somewhat although when I have played them in the last couple of weeks I've done pretty well:

A nice $100+ profit from my last 30 or so sit and go's.
Here's a graph of them as well:

So things are looking promising on all fronts it would seem. On the horizon for me is a decent session tonight after watching the Spurs game and then I'm going to the lads flat tomorrow night for a cheeky 10p/20p game which should be a laugh as it's been a while. I can see that being a late one so Saturday will probably be spent recovering and then Sunday Jo and I are putting our Christmas tree up! Exciting times...
My Full Tilt balance is over $800 for the first time. Although looking back around $300 of it is from rakeback/bonuses so I'm actually only $100 in profit through playing from my original deposit. Saying that though with the value of the dollar increasing against the pound I've probably made a few quid just by having that money sitting there!
I downloaded the new PokerTracker on Friday just to see what was different. Seems a bit more user friendly and the HUD seems to work well despite all the horror stories I've heard about it. You get a 2 month free trial so I'm using that at the moment. I'm picking my tables with the aid of www.tableratings.com as well. Literally using that to pick the juiciest tables. Seems to be working well, I've made $180 since I bought it which is nice, would have been more had my aces not been cracked by QJ on a Q93 board in a $60 pot the other night, apart from that the bad beats have been fairly limited on the cash tables.
On the sit and go front my volume has dropped off somewhat although when I have played them in the last couple of weeks I've done pretty well:

A nice $100+ profit from my last 30 or so sit and go's.
Here's a graph of them as well:

So things are looking promising on all fronts it would seem. On the horizon for me is a decent session tonight after watching the Spurs game and then I'm going to the lads flat tomorrow night for a cheeky 10p/20p game which should be a laugh as it's been a while. I can see that being a late one so Saturday will probably be spent recovering and then Sunday Jo and I are putting our Christmas tree up! Exciting times...
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Hitting the peak...
Full Tilt sit and go graph:

Big upswing, included playing my first matrix tournament for a while, a turbo $33 one which I managed to cash in ALL 4!!! I came 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd, yet somehow still managed to only come second in matrix element after one guy managed to win 2 of them and come 5th and 7th in the other 2.
Apart from that I've been playing quite a bit of $0.10/$0.25 recently on Full Tilt, just to try and lock up some of my bonus before it expires in early December. Was going pretty well until I dropped about 3 buyins yesterday. Stupid really the fact that I lost 2 buyins in almost EXACTLY the same manor when flopping top pair top kicker vs a set. Damn Ace King, although to be fair I shouldn't have got stacked on either occasion.
The other hand of note was a lot more tilt-inducing. I managed to get it all-in 3-way on a 8s 8h 7h flop versus Jacks and 9h 6h...I had Kings... the amazing thing about it was that there had been a raise, and then a reraise (from me on the button) yet the BB still put in 13 more Big Blinds with 96suited... He could have just folded and given up his 25 cents but no, he smashes the flop and hits a 5 on the river to scoop an $80 pot which should have been mine! I'll try and dig out the hand history when I'm at home.
I felt before last night that I was playing very solid poker and was only getting involved in big pots when I had big hands, last night was a bit different. It seemed that every decision I was making was a hard/marginal one which was my fault for putting myself in bad situations. Hopefully next time I play I'll make it easier for myself...
Also you're reading the blog of the now 2 time Reading Sports Day champion I hosted it this year, took a 3 point lead into the golf having demolished everyone at table tennis and then held my own at Tiger Woods and Pool. That 3 point lead over the Dog turned into a 3 point deficit after the golf, in which I putted terribly, and after the first game of bowling I found myself 5 points adrift. Dog then lost his action and I powered through to win the 2nd game and come second in the final game to take the title by 1 point having bowled a 147 average!
Was a quality weekend and was over the moon to retain my title but more importantly had a great time doing it. There's nothing like a good bit of competition in my opinion...

Big upswing, included playing my first matrix tournament for a while, a turbo $33 one which I managed to cash in ALL 4!!! I came 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd, yet somehow still managed to only come second in matrix element after one guy managed to win 2 of them and come 5th and 7th in the other 2.
Apart from that I've been playing quite a bit of $0.10/$0.25 recently on Full Tilt, just to try and lock up some of my bonus before it expires in early December. Was going pretty well until I dropped about 3 buyins yesterday. Stupid really the fact that I lost 2 buyins in almost EXACTLY the same manor when flopping top pair top kicker vs a set. Damn Ace King, although to be fair I shouldn't have got stacked on either occasion.
The other hand of note was a lot more tilt-inducing. I managed to get it all-in 3-way on a 8s 8h 7h flop versus Jacks and 9h 6h...I had Kings... the amazing thing about it was that there had been a raise, and then a reraise (from me on the button) yet the BB still put in 13 more Big Blinds with 96suited... He could have just folded and given up his 25 cents but no, he smashes the flop and hits a 5 on the river to scoop an $80 pot which should have been mine! I'll try and dig out the hand history when I'm at home.
I felt before last night that I was playing very solid poker and was only getting involved in big pots when I had big hands, last night was a bit different. It seemed that every decision I was making was a hard/marginal one which was my fault for putting myself in bad situations. Hopefully next time I play I'll make it easier for myself...
Also you're reading the blog of the now 2 time Reading Sports Day champion I hosted it this year, took a 3 point lead into the golf having demolished everyone at table tennis and then held my own at Tiger Woods and Pool. That 3 point lead over the Dog turned into a 3 point deficit after the golf, in which I putted terribly, and after the first game of bowling I found myself 5 points adrift. Dog then lost his action and I powered through to win the 2nd game and come second in the final game to take the title by 1 point having bowled a 147 average!
Was a quality weekend and was over the moon to retain my title but more importantly had a great time doing it. There's nothing like a good bit of competition in my opinion...
Friday, November 07, 2008
At last...
That's right, at last Darren Bent has finally done something useful...scored a hat-trick in the UEFA cup last night...
Oh, and I finally won a sit and go as well!!! Played last night and managed to not win any of the first 9 I played (only cashed in 2 as well!) but number 10 resulted in a victory, bringing the run of 32 without to an end. I then managed to win 2 of the next 10 I played and cashed in 3 more, making it a total of 8 out of 20 cashes for the night for a profit of a whopping $8...
I checked out my stats for Full Tilt sit and go's and I have managed to notch up an impressive 40 cashes out of 87 games (46%). The problem comes with the distribution:
1st: 10
2nd: 11
3rd: 19
That's pretty worrying, even more so when I take out my last 19 cashes:
1st: 7
2nd: 8
3rd: 6
So 13 of my last 19 cashes have been for 3rd place which is pretty ridiculous, however, I then looked at my 4th place finishes for the same period (43 games) and I have only finished 4th 3 times in that period. This suggests that I am very good at limping in to the money but then go out quickly when I reach it. I wonder whether this is the best way to go about things however, or whether playing more aggressively on the bubble would lead to more wins/2nds but also more 4ths and whether that style would be more profitable?
Oh, and I finally won a sit and go as well!!! Played last night and managed to not win any of the first 9 I played (only cashed in 2 as well!) but number 10 resulted in a victory, bringing the run of 32 without to an end. I then managed to win 2 of the next 10 I played and cashed in 3 more, making it a total of 8 out of 20 cashes for the night for a profit of a whopping $8...
I checked out my stats for Full Tilt sit and go's and I have managed to notch up an impressive 40 cashes out of 87 games (46%). The problem comes with the distribution:
1st: 10
2nd: 11
3rd: 19
That's pretty worrying, even more so when I take out my last 19 cashes:
1st: 7
2nd: 8
3rd: 6
So 13 of my last 19 cashes have been for 3rd place which is pretty ridiculous, however, I then looked at my 4th place finishes for the same period (43 games) and I have only finished 4th 3 times in that period. This suggests that I am very good at limping in to the money but then go out quickly when I reach it. I wonder whether this is the best way to go about things however, or whether playing more aggressively on the bubble would lead to more wins/2nds but also more 4ths and whether that style would be more profitable?
Thursday, November 06, 2008
23 and counting...
I'm not just talking about my age, I played another 6 sit and go's last night ($12 turbos) and failed to win any of them despite cashing in 4 of them (3 x 3rds and 1 x 2nd) so the run goes on to 23. Came very close to breaking it though when I was all-in with A6 vs KT for all the tea in China, the board bricked until the river King to hand him the pot and leave me all-in on the blind.
2 of the 3rd places I got knocked out getting it in good versus slightly bigger stacks and getting outdrawn and in all the games I played I didn't outdraw anyone once, I won a few coinflips but got drawn out on a few times. Oh well though, I still feel like I'm playing pretty well, just missing the luck at key times at the moment.
It's been a while since I posted a graph so here are my Full Tilt sit and go results:
2 of the 3rd places I got knocked out getting it in good versus slightly bigger stacks and getting outdrawn and in all the games I played I didn't outdraw anyone once, I won a few coinflips but got drawn out on a few times. Oh well though, I still feel like I'm playing pretty well, just missing the luck at key times at the moment.
It's been a while since I posted a graph so here are my Full Tilt sit and go results:

Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Not so good...
...but hanging in there.
My results recently have been pretty disappointing. I have failed to win a sit and go in my last 17 attempts which is by far the longest run I've had since I started playing them again. I have however managed to cash in 7 of those 17 games (41%) so that's why I'm "hanging in there", however 6 of the cashes were for 3rd place which is pretty disappointing. So I've lost about $50 recently which isn't too bad seeing as I have been on a fairly miserable run of luck.
It's not the 50/50's that I'm running bad in, I'm probably about even for them, it's the one's where I'm 60/40+ where I have A6 and get called by KT or something similar I seem to keep losing them and when it's reversed I never seem to outdraw anyone!
Anyway, I'm not too disheartened, I'm sure things will even themselves out eventually, I'm pretty lucky in life with the things that I have had and do have now so I can't really complain about losing a few dollars here and there at poker.
Here's a link to the Okehampton Golf Trip video that I made for those of you who can access it on Facebook:
My results recently have been pretty disappointing. I have failed to win a sit and go in my last 17 attempts which is by far the longest run I've had since I started playing them again. I have however managed to cash in 7 of those 17 games (41%) so that's why I'm "hanging in there", however 6 of the cashes were for 3rd place which is pretty disappointing. So I've lost about $50 recently which isn't too bad seeing as I have been on a fairly miserable run of luck.
It's not the 50/50's that I'm running bad in, I'm probably about even for them, it's the one's where I'm 60/40+ where I have A6 and get called by KT or something similar I seem to keep losing them and when it's reversed I never seem to outdraw anyone!
Anyway, I'm not too disheartened, I'm sure things will even themselves out eventually, I'm pretty lucky in life with the things that I have had and do have now so I can't really complain about losing a few dollars here and there at poker.
Here's a link to the Okehampton Golf Trip video that I made for those of you who can access it on Facebook:
Monday, October 27, 2008
Enter the Matrix...
I was tempted back to Full Tilt by their new "Matrix" tournaments at the weekend. Basically it's a series of 4 sit and go's played at the same time against the same players. Basically 1/5th of the buy-in is allocated for each of the 4 games and the other 5th is for the top 3 performers in the game. This means that to play the equivalent of my usual $11 buyins I need to play $55 matrix tournaments ($11 per game (x4) and $11 for the matrix pool). The games seemed to take a while to fill up though and so I ended up playing a couple of $33 ones as these filled quicker. Promising results too:

My sit and go game has always been based around playing very tight in the early and middle stages and then loosening up when my stack gets to around 8-10BB's. This obviously means I rarely exit sit and go's before there are 5 players left which is very good for this format it would seem. To cash in 8 of the 10 I've played may well prove to be "beginner's luck" but hopefully it means that this sort of game is suited to my style and in the long run can be very profitable for me.
One of my biggest faults when playing these days is that I don't really pay attention to what people are doing at each table (I usually have 6 tables on the go) and don't make notes so when I come up against a marginal decision I have nothing to base making that decision on. By playing against the same 8 players on 4 different tables there is much more opportunity to get useful information as players will usually play the same way on each table rather than mixing it up so you can cross-reference notes and situations.
So my Full Tilt account is now back over $400 which is nice. On to Party.... took a bit of a hit the other night...when I went back to the dark side. Yes that's right I played some cash games. Oops. I was watching the Cannon destroy the field in a tournament (think it was the Super Thursday - he eventually took 2nd for over $3k) and it was quite late but I wanted to rail him for a bit more. I thought there was no point starting a sit and go as he might bust out in a couple of hands so I thought I'd just play a bit of $0.25/0.50 on a couple of table until he went out. About 20 minutes later and I'd lost $200...
Basically I played like a prat and the players on the tables cottoned on to that. The number of times I check-raised and then got reraised was unreal! Anyway, I had a stack of $75 on one of the tables and I finally got a break when I came up against someone who had been playing back at me a lot and had me covered. I raised pre UTG with JTs, BB calls. Flop comes Ace Ten 7, he checks I bet the pot, he flats. Turn comes Ten. Bingo! He's never going to believe me, he leads out...what? I raise, he reraises..."he must be playing back with something marginal" the voice says in my head, I make the call, he shows 77, goodnight Cheese.
Also - damn the weak pound! That little session would have only cost me £100 a month ago, it cost about £130 then though! So my roll shrunk by over 1/5th from £500 to £370. Managed to play a few more sit and gos over the weekend and get it back up to £400, so I'm going to take that as the price I pay for a lesson in sticking to the games I win at...until the next time that is...
Won't be playing much over the next week or so, got a lecture tonight, going round my parents on Wednesday for a meal and to watch the Arsenal-Spurs game and then I'm in Loughborough Thursday and Friday for a work course.
On the topic of Spurs, what a shock that was...got a text Saturday night about midnight from Marc saying Ramos was sacked and Harry was lined up for the job! Switched on Sky Sports News and they're talking to Mr Redknapp himself and he's confirming that he's the Spurs manager...then an even bigger shock....Tottenham won a game! So we must have turned a corner? Doubt it... Arsenal and Liverpool next up...
In all seriousness though I think he will do well for us. His teams all seem to have a great team spirit and he's a good man-manager which is something Spurs have been lacking since Martin Jol got shunted. On that note I would much rather have seen the headline "Ramos, Comolli and Poyet sacked...Jol back in." I miss the great man. So glad to see he's doing well at Hamburg. One thing that annoys me about virtually ever manager is the way they complain about every single little thing that goes against them (Southgate excluded). I never heard Jol have a go at a ref or bemoan the teams luck once, even when Mendes "scored" that goal from the half-way line against United that went about 2 yards over the goal-line but wasn't given he just laughed it off. He is my hero and I'll leave you with one of my favourite quotes from him:
On Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger: 'I did really well to hold myself back. I really don't think he realises how strong I am, otherwise he wouldn't approach me with headbutts and everything.'

My sit and go game has always been based around playing very tight in the early and middle stages and then loosening up when my stack gets to around 8-10BB's. This obviously means I rarely exit sit and go's before there are 5 players left which is very good for this format it would seem. To cash in 8 of the 10 I've played may well prove to be "beginner's luck" but hopefully it means that this sort of game is suited to my style and in the long run can be very profitable for me.
One of my biggest faults when playing these days is that I don't really pay attention to what people are doing at each table (I usually have 6 tables on the go) and don't make notes so when I come up against a marginal decision I have nothing to base making that decision on. By playing against the same 8 players on 4 different tables there is much more opportunity to get useful information as players will usually play the same way on each table rather than mixing it up so you can cross-reference notes and situations.
So my Full Tilt account is now back over $400 which is nice. On to Party.... took a bit of a hit the other night...when I went back to the dark side. Yes that's right I played some cash games. Oops. I was watching the Cannon destroy the field in a tournament (think it was the Super Thursday - he eventually took 2nd for over $3k) and it was quite late but I wanted to rail him for a bit more. I thought there was no point starting a sit and go as he might bust out in a couple of hands so I thought I'd just play a bit of $0.25/0.50 on a couple of table until he went out. About 20 minutes later and I'd lost $200...
Basically I played like a prat and the players on the tables cottoned on to that. The number of times I check-raised and then got reraised was unreal! Anyway, I had a stack of $75 on one of the tables and I finally got a break when I came up against someone who had been playing back at me a lot and had me covered. I raised pre UTG with JTs, BB calls. Flop comes Ace Ten 7, he checks I bet the pot, he flats. Turn comes Ten. Bingo! He's never going to believe me, he leads out...what? I raise, he reraises..."he must be playing back with something marginal" the voice says in my head, I make the call, he shows 77, goodnight Cheese.
Also - damn the weak pound! That little session would have only cost me £100 a month ago, it cost about £130 then though! So my roll shrunk by over 1/5th from £500 to £370. Managed to play a few more sit and gos over the weekend and get it back up to £400, so I'm going to take that as the price I pay for a lesson in sticking to the games I win at...until the next time that is...
Won't be playing much over the next week or so, got a lecture tonight, going round my parents on Wednesday for a meal and to watch the Arsenal-Spurs game and then I'm in Loughborough Thursday and Friday for a work course.
On the topic of Spurs, what a shock that was...got a text Saturday night about midnight from Marc saying Ramos was sacked and Harry was lined up for the job! Switched on Sky Sports News and they're talking to Mr Redknapp himself and he's confirming that he's the Spurs manager...then an even bigger shock....Tottenham won a game! So we must have turned a corner? Doubt it... Arsenal and Liverpool next up...
In all seriousness though I think he will do well for us. His teams all seem to have a great team spirit and he's a good man-manager which is something Spurs have been lacking since Martin Jol got shunted. On that note I would much rather have seen the headline "Ramos, Comolli and Poyet sacked...Jol back in." I miss the great man. So glad to see he's doing well at Hamburg. One thing that annoys me about virtually ever manager is the way they complain about every single little thing that goes against them (Southgate excluded). I never heard Jol have a go at a ref or bemoan the teams luck once, even when Mendes "scored" that goal from the half-way line against United that went about 2 yards over the goal-line but wasn't given he just laughed it off. He is my hero and I'll leave you with one of my favourite quotes from him:
On Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger: 'I did really well to hold myself back. I really don't think he realises how strong I am, otherwise he wouldn't approach me with headbutts and everything.'

Friday, October 17, 2008
General Musing
I got the train in to work today as I'm having a few drinks and a meal after work. I got a bus to the station (£1.70) and at the ticket office was informed my ticket was £29.70. It then took me 2 and a quarter hours to get in to the office...
Now... for a country that is promoting public transport and trying to reduce congestion on the roads, they sure aren't doing a good job in my opinion! I usually spend £40-45 a WEEK on petrol driving to work, yet to have the privilege of spending an extra hour and a quarter commuting I pay 2/3rds of that for ONE DAY!
So I for one shall be sticking to driving. Cheaper, quicker and more comfortable.
Now... for a country that is promoting public transport and trying to reduce congestion on the roads, they sure aren't doing a good job in my opinion! I usually spend £40-45 a WEEK on petrol driving to work, yet to have the privilege of spending an extra hour and a quarter commuting I pay 2/3rds of that for ONE DAY!
So I for one shall be sticking to driving. Cheaper, quicker and more comfortable.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Not been much poker action recently, I think I've had 4 small sessions since my last post which ended +$3, -$44, +$4, -$8 so not too good. Hopefully get back on it tonight! I have noticed that the dollar has been getting stronger against the pound so my target of reaching $1100 seems to keep getting further away as the exchange rate keeps changing! (My account is in the Great British Pound) I think I have about £510 in Party at the moment, which a few months ago would have been good for at least $1020, now it's closer to $900 if not less!
My birthday was good, Jo threw a surprise party for me and I literally had no idea about it. I came back from golf with her brother and both our families were waiting for me! Was a good laugh, we had a 13 person table tennis tournament which I ended up finishing second in, losing to my dad in the final. Got some good presents as well. The new Tiger Woods for the PS3 and some golfing attire were the main highlights!
My birthday was good, Jo threw a surprise party for me and I literally had no idea about it. I came back from golf with her brother and both our families were waiting for me! Was a good laugh, we had a 13 person table tennis tournament which I ended up finishing second in, losing to my dad in the final. Got some good presents as well. The new Tiger Woods for the PS3 and some golfing attire were the main highlights!
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Return to the norm...
Well, what I hope will be the norm anyway. A winning evening that is!
Having failed to cash in any of the 6 STT's I played on Tuesday I was looking to get off to a good start last night...didn't happen...I failed to cash in the first 4 games that I played, bubbling two of them, and I was thinking "here we go again"...then came the rush though and I managed to cash in the remaining 5 that I had going! I managed to win 2, have two 2nd's and finished 3rd in the other for a return of $180 from my $99 outlay.
So in brief summary of my recent STT's I have played 34, cashing in 15, for a profit of $146 with an ROI of 72%.
My bankroll currently sits at $907.
My 5 sessions so far have been +$56, -$16, +$91, -$66, +$81... So hopefully tonight I can buck the trend that's appearing of winning one day and then losing the next. I probably won't be able to play too many though as I have to pick the missus up from shopping at 8pm so won't be able to start any before about 9ish. I haven't got too much planned for the weekend though so hopefully will be able to put in some decent hours then.
Having failed to cash in any of the 6 STT's I played on Tuesday I was looking to get off to a good start last night...didn't happen...I failed to cash in the first 4 games that I played, bubbling two of them, and I was thinking "here we go again"...then came the rush though and I managed to cash in the remaining 5 that I had going! I managed to win 2, have two 2nd's and finished 3rd in the other for a return of $180 from my $99 outlay.
So in brief summary of my recent STT's I have played 34, cashing in 15, for a profit of $146 with an ROI of 72%.
My bankroll currently sits at $907.
My 5 sessions so far have been +$56, -$16, +$91, -$66, +$81... So hopefully tonight I can buck the trend that's appearing of winning one day and then losing the next. I probably won't be able to play too many though as I have to pick the missus up from shopping at 8pm so won't be able to start any before about 9ish. I haven't got too much planned for the weekend though so hopefully will be able to put in some decent hours then.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Even the best laid plans...
Seems like plans are easy to make but hard to implement. Played 6 SNG's last night, failed to cash in any... I found myself down to my last two SNG's needing to win at least one to recoup some pride/money and was well positioned in one and picked up Aces in the Big Blind, it went UTG raise, Button reraise, I shove, UTG fold, Button calls with QTs!!! Obviously the flop is KJ9 to give him the nuts and next hand I run AQ into AK and am out and very tilted which did not bode well for the other sit and go which I promptly also busted out of.
So I now need $266 to move up a level. Also I didn't get to try out Nash's Equilibrium Push/Fold table heads-up because I didn't make it that far!
Oh well...trying again tonight hopefully...
So I now need $266 to move up a level. Also I didn't get to try out Nash's Equilibrium Push/Fold table heads-up because I didn't make it that far!
Oh well...trying again tonight hopefully...
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
A man with a plan
I've got my drive back to play poker now that I've started grinding the Sit and Go's again. I'm currently still on the $11 games but have worked out a plan to move up the stakes.
Having played the last few nights I've managed to get my Party bankroll up to over £500 and about $900. In that time I've played 19 games, cashing in over half of them (10), winning 4, coming 2nd in 4 and 3rd twice. So over this small sample I've managed to win $171 with a ROI of 81%!!! Obviously I'm loving the fact that I seem to be running so good and hope that is in part down to playing good as well so long may it continue although I expect that ROI to drop when "variance/doomswitch" inevitably kicks in.
So to the plan...
Basically I'm going to focus on Party Poker again as it seems the softness of the games there far outweigh the fact that I can get bonuses elsewhere. My current bankroll is around $900 and my plan is to move up stakes when I have 50 buy-ins for the next level and if I move up and hit a bad patch move back down if I drop 40 buyins for that level.
Move up to $22's @ $1100 (Move back down @ $900)
Move up to $33's @ $1650 (Move back down @ $1320)
Move up to $55's @ $2750 (Move back down @ $2200)
I'm pretty sure that the games are going to get tougher as I move up the stakes so each jump will represent a new challenge. For the first time in my poker career I feel like I actually have something to work towards though as in the past I've been happy to just grind out at small stakes without any thought of moving up. I'm not setting any timescales to achieve this though as I do not know how regularly I'll actually be able to play and I don't want to force myself to play.
Looking at the first goal I need to make about $200 at the $11 tables to move up to the $22's so I did a few calculations to estimate how many games it may take me to achieve this goal.
At my current Party ROI of 80% - 23 games.
At 50% - 36 games
At 30% - 61 games
At 20% - 91 games
At 15% - 121 games
At 10% - 182 games
Hopefully I can consolidate somewhere in the region of 10-20% ROI minimum. I usually fire the games up in sets of 6 which would mean returning $80 from my buy-ins for a 20% ROI.
Wow...I love my stats...
On a related note I've been reading PokerPlayer magazine recently and found an interesting article from Jennifear on Heads-Up play in SNG's when the blinds are high, basically involving a chart based on pushing or folding every hand depending on the relative stack sizes compared to the blinds. The chart is devised from the "Nash Equilibrium" theory (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nash_equilibrium) and is basically a how to on perfect shoving heads-up. I'm going to try and find the chart and print it off so that I can refer to it tonight when I get heads up and see if that works for me! Often when I've got a lot of games going at once and a couple are heads-up things get a bit manic so hopefully this will allow me to calm things down by just refering to the chart as to whether I should push or fold!
Till next time...
Having played the last few nights I've managed to get my Party bankroll up to over £500 and about $900. In that time I've played 19 games, cashing in over half of them (10), winning 4, coming 2nd in 4 and 3rd twice. So over this small sample I've managed to win $171 with a ROI of 81%!!! Obviously I'm loving the fact that I seem to be running so good and hope that is in part down to playing good as well so long may it continue although I expect that ROI to drop when "variance/doomswitch" inevitably kicks in.
So to the plan...
Basically I'm going to focus on Party Poker again as it seems the softness of the games there far outweigh the fact that I can get bonuses elsewhere. My current bankroll is around $900 and my plan is to move up stakes when I have 50 buy-ins for the next level and if I move up and hit a bad patch move back down if I drop 40 buyins for that level.
Move up to $22's @ $1100 (Move back down @ $900)
Move up to $33's @ $1650 (Move back down @ $1320)
Move up to $55's @ $2750 (Move back down @ $2200)
I'm pretty sure that the games are going to get tougher as I move up the stakes so each jump will represent a new challenge. For the first time in my poker career I feel like I actually have something to work towards though as in the past I've been happy to just grind out at small stakes without any thought of moving up. I'm not setting any timescales to achieve this though as I do not know how regularly I'll actually be able to play and I don't want to force myself to play.
Looking at the first goal I need to make about $200 at the $11 tables to move up to the $22's so I did a few calculations to estimate how many games it may take me to achieve this goal.
At my current Party ROI of 80% - 23 games.
At 50% - 36 games
At 30% - 61 games
At 20% - 91 games
At 15% - 121 games
At 10% - 182 games
Hopefully I can consolidate somewhere in the region of 10-20% ROI minimum. I usually fire the games up in sets of 6 which would mean returning $80 from my buy-ins for a 20% ROI.
Wow...I love my stats...
On a related note I've been reading PokerPlayer magazine recently and found an interesting article from Jennifear on Heads-Up play in SNG's when the blinds are high, basically involving a chart based on pushing or folding every hand depending on the relative stack sizes compared to the blinds. The chart is devised from the "Nash Equilibrium" theory (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nash_equilibrium) and is basically a how to on perfect shoving heads-up. I'm going to try and find the chart and print it off so that I can refer to it tonight when I get heads up and see if that works for me! Often when I've got a lot of games going at once and a couple are heads-up things get a bit manic so hopefully this will allow me to calm things down by just refering to the chart as to whether I should push or fold!
Till next time...
Friday, October 03, 2008
15 months...50 posts...
I suppose this is a time for reflection. I have been blogging for 15 months now (on and off) and my initial feeling is that I have not achieved much in poker terms. In terms of money I'm probably up a little bit in this period from poker, although my overall poker bankroll has probably shrunk due to cashing out money and moving it about.
On 07 June 2007 I mention that:
1. I had a £5 bonus in Party - My Party account now sits at £430 having just cashed out £225 from it.
2. I had about $700 in Sun Poker - I recently cashed out $701 having been informed by their customer services that I was soon going to be charged a "dormant fee" if I did not use the site soon.
3. I had £700 in Noble Poker - I withdrew £400 later that month and currently have just over £200 in there I think.
Further to that I have around $350 in Full Tilt poker. In fact I'm going to side-track a bit and talk about my roller-coaster at Full Tilt as I played briefly last night there. Last time I blogged my Full Tilt balance was at $520 (from an initial $400 and high of $650, well since then it's been a bit of a disaster. My roll went down to a low of about $290 but last night I sat down for the first time in a while and played a bit to get it back up to $350.
Basically I haven't been able to play much due to a lack of internet in the new flat but now that is all sorted so I should be able to play a bit more now. Last night was my first chance at a session, although I only had about an hour and a half, so I fired up 6 $11 sit and go's and managed to win 3 of them! I played solid and ran good too. In 2 of the 3 I didn't win I busted out OK, (a flip when short and 66 vs JJ when I was short for 5th place both times) although the other one I made a stupid play to finish 4th where I had 8BB's in the BB and button raised to 2.5xBB and I shoved with A9, he called with 99 and the board didn't help. That wouldn't have annoyed me too much except for the fact that the guy to my left only had 6BB's and I hadn't realised when I shoved so I really could have waited for a better spot I think. It does feel good to run good for once as well, after I lost the first flip I was involved in I won the next 4 I got in and even managed to come from behind a couple of times when all-in preflop. I was very confident when it got heads-up as well, even though I had a chip deficit in 2 out of the 3 games, I always felt as though I was in control and it was nice to close out all 3 games.
My Full Tilt SNG stats are pretty impressive thus far:
I've played 2 x $6 games and came 1st and 6th for $11 profit.
I've played 12 x $11 games, finishing 1st x 4, 3rd x 2, 4th x 2, 5th x 3 and 6th x 1 for $84 profit.
So $95 profit from 14 games so far with a ROI of 66% is very encouraging (although unsustainable I think).
A further side-note on my Full Tilt games, here are a few figures to illustrate how bad I have been at cash games recently:
Starting balance: $400
Rakeback Received: +$45
Bonus Received: +$80
SNG Games: +$95
End Balance: $350
So that means my cash game figure is -$270 which isn't too bad...until I factor in that I was sitting on $250 profit in cash games when I first started so recently have actually been down over $500!
This is why I am now going to make a conscious effort to stick to SNG's, and try to fit in some MTT's at the weekends when I have a bit more time.
So that's poker out of the way... now on to other stuff.
First of all the flat is still awesome, with the internet now set up and Sky coming this weekend to install the Sky box everything is falling into place. The new pool table and table tennis table are amazing and have been well used in the 2 weeks we've had them so far, and long may that continue.
Secondly, and much more importantly, the 4G's Annual Okehampton Invitational occurred last weekend so I thought I'd write a little trip report for it.
Nine of us travelled down there, Cashy drove me the 4 or so hours it took which I am very thankful for (we were of course last to get there). First bit of gambling I took part in was a putting contest with the Cannon, won the first round for £5, won the second round for £5 and was in the process of destroying him in the 3rd match having even given him a headstart when we decided to stop as it was too crowded on the putting green.
So, after a bite to eat and the placing of a few wagers we went out for our first round. Everyone agreed to put in £10 for the main competition with £60 to first and £30 to second, whilst myself, Cashpoint, Dog and Cannon had a £10 sidebet just on the first round. We played stableford from these handicaps:
Brenty: 16
Dog: 16
Cashy: 16
Cheese: 18
Liam: 19
Cannon: 20
Reevesy: 24
Brad: 28
Big Tone: 28
After the each round a few calculations were made to adjust people's handicaps whereby for every point you shot below your handicap 0.4 of a shot was taken away and for every point above your handicap 0.2 of a shot was added to your handicap.
At this point I should probably mention that I thought I had done myself some serious damage the night before when lifting the table tennis table and was in pain just swinging the golf club. My first tee shot did not help as I smashed it out of bounds. My second ball from the tee ended up a few feet short of the green (it was a short par 4) but I still got zero points for that hole. Things picked up for me though and I strung together 9 holes of bogeys or better and was feeling a lot looser than when I started and ended up picking up 34 points. This left me in 4th position after the first round, although already 8 shots behind Brenty (42) in the lead, with Reevesy (41) and Cashy (36) between us. Brad and Big Tone both shot low 30's to keep in touch whilst Liam, Dog and Cannon (21) had pretty much thrown their chances away early on. We played a bit of snooker that night, although the "tournament" turned into a bit of a shambles and I don't think it was completed in the end.
On to round 2 and a very solid performance saw me card 38 points and included only one blob on my card. I managed to birdie 2 of the holes as well which made a huge difference. Cashy shot a 30 to fall 6 behind me in 3rd place whilst Brenty card a 36 (now playing off 14) to lead me by 6 going in to the last round.
A good start to the last round was essential to try and close the gap to Brenty early, and I got it with a bogey and birdie giving me 6 points from the opening 2 holes. Combine this with Brenty blobbing these 2 holes and we were tying for the lead already! He blobbed the next as well, I parred it and all of a sudden had a 3 shot lead!!! Some exceptional golf follow and I had 22 points at the turn despite blobbing one of the holes. After 11 holes my lead stood at 2 points but then Brenty completely blew up and ended up with just 18 points for the round. I parred the last hole to finish with 37 points for my round to beat him by 13 points and it was Cashy and Big Tone who finished joint second, 7 points behind me.
I must say I probably played the most consistent golf for a long time in those three rounds, and was the only person who was correctly handicapped in the end as my handicap didn't deviate from 18 all weekend. My overall score was equivalent to one under par for my handicap! So I pocketed the £60 for first as well as taking home the outstanding trophy that the Dog had provided! It is now sitting proudly above the TV in my flat.
On the Saturday evening I teamed up with the Dog to take on Cashy and Big Tone in a greensomes/£2 skins/£5 matchplay competition that proved to be a brilliant format. Things were looking bright when we won the 4th hole to capture 4 skins and move one up in the match play, they then won 2 holes out of three to take the lead in the match play whilst they still trailed by a skin. I then sunk a huge putt on the 10th hole to move 7-3 up in skins and level the matchplay before we halved the next 2 holes and were forced by the light to call it a day with an £8 profit. We then raced back to the clubhouse with Cashy and Big Tone taking a short cut, imagine my surprise when I stop at the top of a steep hill to suddenly hear Cashy shout "Big Tone"... cue me rolling forward a bit to see a buggy overturned at the bottom of the hill and Cashy shouting for us to get down there quick. Turns out Big Tone was trapped underneath it with the buggy digging in to his ankle. Dog turned out to be the hero, sprinting down the hill and single-handedly lifting the buggy off Tone... who's ankle was very swollen for a while but was fit enough to play the rest of the weekend's golf.
That wasn't the end of the excitement for the weekend. Myself, Cashy, Dog and Cannon also played 2 lots of 9 holes in a "World Series of Golf" format (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Series_of_Golf), stumping up £25 each for the pleasure. In my rich vein of form I thoroughly trounced the opposition and by the time I had won on the 17th green I must have won or split around 11-12 of the holes! The highlights included Cannon and Dog fighting it out around the 9th green having gone all-in after their tee shots on a par 3. The hole was eventually won in 5 by the Cannon which crippled the dog. I sank a huge bending pressure put on the 13th to avoid doubling Cashy up and then knocked him out a couple of holes later sinking another 8 footer before finishing off the Cannon having got it all-in pre on the par 3 17th for all the tea in China, allowing me to take the £100 first prize!
Overall the place and the trip was amazing and we are making it an annual event. The rooms were nothing special but literally all we did was sleep and shower in them so they didn't need to be. The food was ok and plentiful, not gourmet but I'm not one to complain and we never went hungry! The courses were top-notch considering the amount of use they must get throughout the year. The evening activities were abundant and more importantly free too, we played snooker and darts but also one afternoon we managed to fit in a game of bowls! Which myself and Big Tone excelled at although did not get to play our final in the end.
Wow, this has been a lot longer than expected...over 2,000 words...should probably do some work now...
On 07 June 2007 I mention that:
1. I had a £5 bonus in Party - My Party account now sits at £430 having just cashed out £225 from it.
2. I had about $700 in Sun Poker - I recently cashed out $701 having been informed by their customer services that I was soon going to be charged a "dormant fee" if I did not use the site soon.
3. I had £700 in Noble Poker - I withdrew £400 later that month and currently have just over £200 in there I think.
Further to that I have around $350 in Full Tilt poker. In fact I'm going to side-track a bit and talk about my roller-coaster at Full Tilt as I played briefly last night there. Last time I blogged my Full Tilt balance was at $520 (from an initial $400 and high of $650, well since then it's been a bit of a disaster. My roll went down to a low of about $290 but last night I sat down for the first time in a while and played a bit to get it back up to $350.
Basically I haven't been able to play much due to a lack of internet in the new flat but now that is all sorted so I should be able to play a bit more now. Last night was my first chance at a session, although I only had about an hour and a half, so I fired up 6 $11 sit and go's and managed to win 3 of them! I played solid and ran good too. In 2 of the 3 I didn't win I busted out OK, (a flip when short and 66 vs JJ when I was short for 5th place both times) although the other one I made a stupid play to finish 4th where I had 8BB's in the BB and button raised to 2.5xBB and I shoved with A9, he called with 99 and the board didn't help. That wouldn't have annoyed me too much except for the fact that the guy to my left only had 6BB's and I hadn't realised when I shoved so I really could have waited for a better spot I think. It does feel good to run good for once as well, after I lost the first flip I was involved in I won the next 4 I got in and even managed to come from behind a couple of times when all-in preflop. I was very confident when it got heads-up as well, even though I had a chip deficit in 2 out of the 3 games, I always felt as though I was in control and it was nice to close out all 3 games.
My Full Tilt SNG stats are pretty impressive thus far:
I've played 2 x $6 games and came 1st and 6th for $11 profit.
I've played 12 x $11 games, finishing 1st x 4, 3rd x 2, 4th x 2, 5th x 3 and 6th x 1 for $84 profit.
So $95 profit from 14 games so far with a ROI of 66% is very encouraging (although unsustainable I think).
A further side-note on my Full Tilt games, here are a few figures to illustrate how bad I have been at cash games recently:
Starting balance: $400
Rakeback Received: +$45
Bonus Received: +$80
SNG Games: +$95
End Balance: $350
So that means my cash game figure is -$270 which isn't too bad...until I factor in that I was sitting on $250 profit in cash games when I first started so recently have actually been down over $500!
This is why I am now going to make a conscious effort to stick to SNG's, and try to fit in some MTT's at the weekends when I have a bit more time.
So that's poker out of the way... now on to other stuff.
First of all the flat is still awesome, with the internet now set up and Sky coming this weekend to install the Sky box everything is falling into place. The new pool table and table tennis table are amazing and have been well used in the 2 weeks we've had them so far, and long may that continue.
Secondly, and much more importantly, the 4G's Annual Okehampton Invitational occurred last weekend so I thought I'd write a little trip report for it.
Nine of us travelled down there, Cashy drove me the 4 or so hours it took which I am very thankful for (we were of course last to get there). First bit of gambling I took part in was a putting contest with the Cannon, won the first round for £5, won the second round for £5 and was in the process of destroying him in the 3rd match having even given him a headstart when we decided to stop as it was too crowded on the putting green.
So, after a bite to eat and the placing of a few wagers we went out for our first round. Everyone agreed to put in £10 for the main competition with £60 to first and £30 to second, whilst myself, Cashpoint, Dog and Cannon had a £10 sidebet just on the first round. We played stableford from these handicaps:
Brenty: 16
Dog: 16
Cashy: 16
Cheese: 18
Liam: 19
Cannon: 20
Reevesy: 24
Brad: 28
Big Tone: 28
After the each round a few calculations were made to adjust people's handicaps whereby for every point you shot below your handicap 0.4 of a shot was taken away and for every point above your handicap 0.2 of a shot was added to your handicap.
At this point I should probably mention that I thought I had done myself some serious damage the night before when lifting the table tennis table and was in pain just swinging the golf club. My first tee shot did not help as I smashed it out of bounds. My second ball from the tee ended up a few feet short of the green (it was a short par 4) but I still got zero points for that hole. Things picked up for me though and I strung together 9 holes of bogeys or better and was feeling a lot looser than when I started and ended up picking up 34 points. This left me in 4th position after the first round, although already 8 shots behind Brenty (42) in the lead, with Reevesy (41) and Cashy (36) between us. Brad and Big Tone both shot low 30's to keep in touch whilst Liam, Dog and Cannon (21) had pretty much thrown their chances away early on. We played a bit of snooker that night, although the "tournament" turned into a bit of a shambles and I don't think it was completed in the end.
On to round 2 and a very solid performance saw me card 38 points and included only one blob on my card. I managed to birdie 2 of the holes as well which made a huge difference. Cashy shot a 30 to fall 6 behind me in 3rd place whilst Brenty card a 36 (now playing off 14) to lead me by 6 going in to the last round.
A good start to the last round was essential to try and close the gap to Brenty early, and I got it with a bogey and birdie giving me 6 points from the opening 2 holes. Combine this with Brenty blobbing these 2 holes and we were tying for the lead already! He blobbed the next as well, I parred it and all of a sudden had a 3 shot lead!!! Some exceptional golf follow and I had 22 points at the turn despite blobbing one of the holes. After 11 holes my lead stood at 2 points but then Brenty completely blew up and ended up with just 18 points for the round. I parred the last hole to finish with 37 points for my round to beat him by 13 points and it was Cashy and Big Tone who finished joint second, 7 points behind me.
I must say I probably played the most consistent golf for a long time in those three rounds, and was the only person who was correctly handicapped in the end as my handicap didn't deviate from 18 all weekend. My overall score was equivalent to one under par for my handicap! So I pocketed the £60 for first as well as taking home the outstanding trophy that the Dog had provided! It is now sitting proudly above the TV in my flat.
On the Saturday evening I teamed up with the Dog to take on Cashy and Big Tone in a greensomes/£2 skins/£5 matchplay competition that proved to be a brilliant format. Things were looking bright when we won the 4th hole to capture 4 skins and move one up in the match play, they then won 2 holes out of three to take the lead in the match play whilst they still trailed by a skin. I then sunk a huge putt on the 10th hole to move 7-3 up in skins and level the matchplay before we halved the next 2 holes and were forced by the light to call it a day with an £8 profit. We then raced back to the clubhouse with Cashy and Big Tone taking a short cut, imagine my surprise when I stop at the top of a steep hill to suddenly hear Cashy shout "Big Tone"... cue me rolling forward a bit to see a buggy overturned at the bottom of the hill and Cashy shouting for us to get down there quick. Turns out Big Tone was trapped underneath it with the buggy digging in to his ankle. Dog turned out to be the hero, sprinting down the hill and single-handedly lifting the buggy off Tone... who's ankle was very swollen for a while but was fit enough to play the rest of the weekend's golf.
That wasn't the end of the excitement for the weekend. Myself, Cashy, Dog and Cannon also played 2 lots of 9 holes in a "World Series of Golf" format (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Series_of_Golf), stumping up £25 each for the pleasure. In my rich vein of form I thoroughly trounced the opposition and by the time I had won on the 17th green I must have won or split around 11-12 of the holes! The highlights included Cannon and Dog fighting it out around the 9th green having gone all-in after their tee shots on a par 3. The hole was eventually won in 5 by the Cannon which crippled the dog. I sank a huge bending pressure put on the 13th to avoid doubling Cashy up and then knocked him out a couple of holes later sinking another 8 footer before finishing off the Cannon having got it all-in pre on the par 3 17th for all the tea in China, allowing me to take the £100 first prize!
Overall the place and the trip was amazing and we are making it an annual event. The rooms were nothing special but literally all we did was sleep and shower in them so they didn't need to be. The food was ok and plentiful, not gourmet but I'm not one to complain and we never went hungry! The courses were top-notch considering the amount of use they must get throughout the year. The evening activities were abundant and more importantly free too, we played snooker and darts but also one afternoon we managed to fit in a game of bowls! Which myself and Big Tone excelled at although did not get to play our final in the end.
Wow, this has been a lot longer than expected...over 2,000 words...should probably do some work now...
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
49 not out...
Yep, this is the 49th post of this blog, just a quick one to make sure I don't go a whole month without posting (made it just in time), and to let you know how things have been going for me recently.
Well...where to start? Job-wise things are going good, been at Atkins just over a year now and still enjoying it. Got to get out the office the other week to go on a 3-day expenses paid trip to Bournemouth to look at a few junctions! Was a good laugh, managed to wangle it so Terry and I drove round together so it was a lot more fun than it would have been with one of the other guys. The bad thing about it was that we still had to get up and out by about 8:30am, but on 2 of the days we were finished by just after lunchtime and the hotel had a snooker table (albeit with pool cues) so we spent quite a bit of time in there. Also had an impromptu heads-up poker game one evening which I completely dominated before getting it all-in pre with AA versus his 33. I hadn't even finished my sentence "A three had better not..." when the first card out was a 3 and I ended up a loser in the game...
Online poker-wise I have not played very much recently, mainly because of BT, who not only want us to pay £125 for them to most probably flick a switch and "connect" our phone line, but also gave me a date of the 17th Sept for when an engineer was available to do what is likely to be a 5-minute job. Which means that I currently have no home internet connection so my poker exploits have been limited to brief forrays round the missus's parents house. My Full Tilt bankroll is down to about $520 from its high of $650, of which $80 is bonuses/rakeback which shows it's importance. I've had a few sick beats dealt on me the last couple of days which have hurt, AA cracked by TT all-pre, My 6 9 off splitting with my opponents 9 4 suited (blind battle) getting it all-in on the turn with the board reading T 8 7 5, that was a $100 pot that should have all been shipped my way. Also had an $80 pot all-in on the turn on a board of 7 7 7 Q, I had 5 5, he had K 3, obviously K on the river ships the pot to him...ah well, at least it shows there's money to be made from complete morons out there...
Finally, the flat is looking really good (mainly due to Jo keeping everything neat,clean and tidy) and we're settling in wonderfully. It's nice to be able to come home from a tough days work to your own house and just relax. The new pool table with table tennis top is being delivered next week as well so I'll have that to look forward to as the current pool table rolls all over the place as its about 10 years old and very unstable. That being said I did go on a 14 match winning streak when we first set it up...
Well...where to start? Job-wise things are going good, been at Atkins just over a year now and still enjoying it. Got to get out the office the other week to go on a 3-day expenses paid trip to Bournemouth to look at a few junctions! Was a good laugh, managed to wangle it so Terry and I drove round together so it was a lot more fun than it would have been with one of the other guys. The bad thing about it was that we still had to get up and out by about 8:30am, but on 2 of the days we were finished by just after lunchtime and the hotel had a snooker table (albeit with pool cues) so we spent quite a bit of time in there. Also had an impromptu heads-up poker game one evening which I completely dominated before getting it all-in pre with AA versus his 33. I hadn't even finished my sentence "A three had better not..." when the first card out was a 3 and I ended up a loser in the game...
Online poker-wise I have not played very much recently, mainly because of BT, who not only want us to pay £125 for them to most probably flick a switch and "connect" our phone line, but also gave me a date of the 17th Sept for when an engineer was available to do what is likely to be a 5-minute job. Which means that I currently have no home internet connection so my poker exploits have been limited to brief forrays round the missus's parents house. My Full Tilt bankroll is down to about $520 from its high of $650, of which $80 is bonuses/rakeback which shows it's importance. I've had a few sick beats dealt on me the last couple of days which have hurt, AA cracked by TT all-pre, My 6 9 off splitting with my opponents 9 4 suited (blind battle) getting it all-in on the turn with the board reading T 8 7 5, that was a $100 pot that should have all been shipped my way. Also had an $80 pot all-in on the turn on a board of 7 7 7 Q, I had 5 5, he had K 3, obviously K on the river ships the pot to him...ah well, at least it shows there's money to be made from complete morons out there...
Finally, the flat is looking really good (mainly due to Jo keeping everything neat,clean and tidy) and we're settling in wonderfully. It's nice to be able to come home from a tough days work to your own house and just relax. The new pool table with table tennis top is being delivered next week as well so I'll have that to look forward to as the current pool table rolls all over the place as its about 10 years old and very unstable. That being said I did go on a 14 match winning streak when we first set it up...
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Quick Update
Been a while since I last updated, been very busy sorting out stuff for my new flat so no real time for poker. What I have played has been a mixture of the good, bad and ugly. Hit a new peak for the graph the other day, but that seems to have gone to my head and since then I've steadily leaked money (although I suppose it's a positive that I haven't had a major blowup for a while.)
I withdrew £225 from Party and dumped $400 into Full Tilt the a couple of days ago. After 1k hands i'd managed to grind that up to $600, even outdrawing a couple of people, but in the last 1k hands I've lost about $100 of that profit, although things could have been very different if I'd hit a couple of HUGE drawing hands that I had. Twice I've had a flush draw with a double belly buster all-in on the flop only to come up against sets both times (pretty much the only hand I'm not a favourite against) and both times I haven't managed to hit (which put paid to my theory that I might actually have a boomswitched account for once.)
Going down to Bournemouth for a few days with work to look at some junctions, so won't be able to play for a while, especially as we're moving in to the flat either Friday or Monday! Got the whole of next week off to spend some time settling into the flat with the missus and sorting out the loose ends that need tying up so may have a few sessions then (providing I can get the internet set up in time.)
Graph time I suppose:

Just over 12k hands played since May for a $512 profit at apparently $8.79 per hour so I'm not even making minimum wage! Stick to the day job me thinks...
I withdrew £225 from Party and dumped $400 into Full Tilt the a couple of days ago. After 1k hands i'd managed to grind that up to $600, even outdrawing a couple of people, but in the last 1k hands I've lost about $100 of that profit, although things could have been very different if I'd hit a couple of HUGE drawing hands that I had. Twice I've had a flush draw with a double belly buster all-in on the flop only to come up against sets both times (pretty much the only hand I'm not a favourite against) and both times I haven't managed to hit (which put paid to my theory that I might actually have a boomswitched account for once.)
Going down to Bournemouth for a few days with work to look at some junctions, so won't be able to play for a while, especially as we're moving in to the flat either Friday or Monday! Got the whole of next week off to spend some time settling into the flat with the missus and sorting out the loose ends that need tying up so may have a few sessions then (providing I can get the internet set up in time.)
Graph time I suppose:

Just over 12k hands played since May for a $512 profit at apparently $8.79 per hour so I'm not even making minimum wage! Stick to the day job me thinks...
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Stakes and Swings
Just a brief update as it's been a while on what I've been up to the last few weeks. Went on holiday to La Manga in Spain, played two rounds of golf on Championship courses and one was my best ever round, an 82! Could have been better if I hadn't four putted one green as well! Don't think I will play a better round for a long long time, pretty much everything went right.
Aside from the golf the holiday was brilliant all round, good food, good weather, good banter = happiness. Plus got to spend some quality time with the missus which was nice.
Came back and played my first game of cricket for the year. Took two wickets and hit 30-odd runs but was a bit rusty. Should be playing again in early September so have that to look forward to.
Now onto the poker... A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS TO ED ROGER AND WILL BREWIN! They finished 191st and 118th respectively in the World Series of Poker Main Event for about $38k and $41k. I managed to get a slice of their action as well (2% in each of them) so returned around $1600 for my $450 outlay. It was great to see them go so deep, made it very interesting reading the updates knowing that I had an interest in 2 of the runners for so long! Ed has written a few blogs of his time out there which you can see from the link on the right of this page, hopefully he'll do a more thorough report at some stage as well!
In terms of my poker it's been all about the swings baby...the end of the graph shows it all really, up and down like a yo-yo:

When I break it down into hands played at $0.25/$0.50 and hands played at $0.50/$1 it isn't hard to figure out where I have a problem.
Here is the $50nl graph:

As you can see, a fairly even upward curve.
Now here is the $100nl graph:

Hmmmm... maybe I should steer clear of moving up for a little bit. I would love to blame it on luck and being coolered but, quite frankly, I've just played terribly and moving up has had the opposite effect that I thought it would in that it has made me gamble more rather than play tighter with the higher stakes.
So I'm about $750 up from $50nl in the last couple of months and down about $475 at $100nl.
Tonight was a very good night, made about $240 in about 250 hands so I am content at the moment. Will hopefully post some time soon with a few of the hands that have been involved in my swings over the last couple of weeks, had some quite interesting ones and in fac I'll leave you with a couple that just show why I love Party poker at these stakes. People literally want to give you their money:
***** Hand History for Game 7222185777 *****
$50 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Tuesday, July 15, 16:31:35 ET 2008
Table Table 164946 (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 6: tornado1974 ( $112.13 USD )
Seat 1: mmiguelena ( $86.50 USD )
Seat 3: ben_w_2004 ( $103.26 USD )
Seat 2: rodiplby78 ( $50 USD )
Seat 4: pjferr ( $73.75 USD )
Seat 5: clabbesbulle ( $50 USD )
mmiguelena posts small blind [$0.25 USD].
rodiplby78 posts big blind [$0.50 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to ben_w_2004 [ As Ah ]
ben_w_2004 raises [$2 USD]
pjferr folds.
clabbesbulle folds.
tornado1974 calls [$2 USD]
mmiguelena folds.
rodiplby78 folds.
** Dealing Flop ** [ Jh, 6h, 8s ]
ben_w_2004 checks.
tornado1974 bets [$5 USD]
ben_w_2004 calls [$5 USD]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Qd ]
ben_w_2004 checks.
tornado1974 bets [$15 USD]
ben_w_2004 calls [$15 USD]
** Dealing River ** [ 9d ]
ben_w_2004 checks.
tornado1974 bets [$18 USD]
ben_w_2004 calls [$18 USD]
tornado1974 shows [ Ac, 4s ]high card Ace.
ben_w_2004 shows [ As, Ah ]a pair of Aces.
ben_w_2004 wins $77.75 USD from the main pot with a pair of Aces.
#Game No : 7222190139
And his beauty. Can't believe he called the extra $18 on the end with no pair no draw:
***** Hand History for Game 7201441301 *****
$50 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Monday, July 07, 16:45:50 ET 2008
Table Table 164767 (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 3: maurov79 ( $80.10 USD )
Seat 1: ronnie6017 ( $30.37 USD )
Seat 6: BottonAnna ( $50.50 USD )
Seat 2: ben_w_2004 ( $55.27 USD )
Seat 5: ddrogue ( $50.25 USD )
ben_w_2004 posts small blind [$0.25 USD].
maurov79 posts big blind [$0.50 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to ben_w_2004 [ Ad Ah ]
ddrogue folds.
BottonAnna raises [$2 USD]
ronnie6017 folds.
ben_w_2004 calls [$1.75 USD]
maurov79 folds.
** Dealing Flop ** [ 5s, 8c, Ac ]
ben_w_2004 checks.
BONER_LOL has joined the table.
BottonAnna bets [$4 USD]
ben_w_2004 raises [$8 USD]
BottonAnna raises [$8 USD]
ben_w_2004 calls [$4 USD]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 9s ]
ben_w_2004 checks.
BottonAnna bets [$17 USD]
>You have options at Table 165557 Table!.
ben_w_2004 raises [$36.50 USD]
BottonAnna is all-In.
** Dealing River ** [ 7h ]
ben_w_2004 shows [ Ad, Ah ]three of a kind, Aces.
BottonAnna doesn't show [ Jd, Qs ]high card Ace.
ben_w_2004 wins $99.50 USD from the main pot with three of a kind, Aces.
#Game No : 7201445997
Aside from the golf the holiday was brilliant all round, good food, good weather, good banter = happiness. Plus got to spend some quality time with the missus which was nice.
Came back and played my first game of cricket for the year. Took two wickets and hit 30-odd runs but was a bit rusty. Should be playing again in early September so have that to look forward to.
Now onto the poker... A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS TO ED ROGER AND WILL BREWIN! They finished 191st and 118th respectively in the World Series of Poker Main Event for about $38k and $41k. I managed to get a slice of their action as well (2% in each of them) so returned around $1600 for my $450 outlay. It was great to see them go so deep, made it very interesting reading the updates knowing that I had an interest in 2 of the runners for so long! Ed has written a few blogs of his time out there which you can see from the link on the right of this page, hopefully he'll do a more thorough report at some stage as well!
In terms of my poker it's been all about the swings baby...the end of the graph shows it all really, up and down like a yo-yo:

When I break it down into hands played at $0.25/$0.50 and hands played at $0.50/$1 it isn't hard to figure out where I have a problem.
Here is the $50nl graph:

As you can see, a fairly even upward curve.
Now here is the $100nl graph:

Hmmmm... maybe I should steer clear of moving up for a little bit. I would love to blame it on luck and being coolered but, quite frankly, I've just played terribly and moving up has had the opposite effect that I thought it would in that it has made me gamble more rather than play tighter with the higher stakes.
So I'm about $750 up from $50nl in the last couple of months and down about $475 at $100nl.
Tonight was a very good night, made about $240 in about 250 hands so I am content at the moment. Will hopefully post some time soon with a few of the hands that have been involved in my swings over the last couple of weeks, had some quite interesting ones and in fac I'll leave you with a couple that just show why I love Party poker at these stakes. People literally want to give you their money:
***** Hand History for Game 7222185777 *****
$50 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Tuesday, July 15, 16:31:35 ET 2008
Table Table 164946 (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 6: tornado1974 ( $112.13 USD )
Seat 1: mmiguelena ( $86.50 USD )
Seat 3: ben_w_2004 ( $103.26 USD )
Seat 2: rodiplby78 ( $50 USD )
Seat 4: pjferr ( $73.75 USD )
Seat 5: clabbesbulle ( $50 USD )
mmiguelena posts small blind [$0.25 USD].
rodiplby78 posts big blind [$0.50 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to ben_w_2004 [ As Ah ]
ben_w_2004 raises [$2 USD]
pjferr folds.
clabbesbulle folds.
tornado1974 calls [$2 USD]
mmiguelena folds.
rodiplby78 folds.
** Dealing Flop ** [ Jh, 6h, 8s ]
ben_w_2004 checks.
tornado1974 bets [$5 USD]
ben_w_2004 calls [$5 USD]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Qd ]
ben_w_2004 checks.
tornado1974 bets [$15 USD]
ben_w_2004 calls [$15 USD]
** Dealing River ** [ 9d ]
ben_w_2004 checks.
tornado1974 bets [$18 USD]
ben_w_2004 calls [$18 USD]
tornado1974 shows [ Ac, 4s ]high card Ace.
ben_w_2004 shows [ As, Ah ]a pair of Aces.
ben_w_2004 wins $77.75 USD from the main pot with a pair of Aces.
#Game No : 7222190139
And his beauty. Can't believe he called the extra $18 on the end with no pair no draw:
***** Hand History for Game 7201441301 *****
$50 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Monday, July 07, 16:45:50 ET 2008
Table Table 164767 (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 3: maurov79 ( $80.10 USD )
Seat 1: ronnie6017 ( $30.37 USD )
Seat 6: BottonAnna ( $50.50 USD )
Seat 2: ben_w_2004 ( $55.27 USD )
Seat 5: ddrogue ( $50.25 USD )
ben_w_2004 posts small blind [$0.25 USD].
maurov79 posts big blind [$0.50 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to ben_w_2004 [ Ad Ah ]
ddrogue folds.
BottonAnna raises [$2 USD]
ronnie6017 folds.
ben_w_2004 calls [$1.75 USD]
maurov79 folds.
** Dealing Flop ** [ 5s, 8c, Ac ]
ben_w_2004 checks.
BONER_LOL has joined the table.
BottonAnna bets [$4 USD]
ben_w_2004 raises [$8 USD]
BottonAnna raises [$8 USD]
ben_w_2004 calls [$4 USD]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 9s ]
ben_w_2004 checks.
BottonAnna bets [$17 USD]
>You have options at Table 165557 Table!.
ben_w_2004 raises [$36.50 USD]
BottonAnna is all-In.
** Dealing River ** [ 7h ]
ben_w_2004 shows [ Ad, Ah ]three of a kind, Aces.
BottonAnna doesn't show [ Jd, Qs ]high card Ace.
ben_w_2004 wins $99.50 USD from the main pot with three of a kind, Aces.
#Game No : 7201445997
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Taking advantage...
Hands Played Tonight: 193
Profit for Night: $161.43
The title of this post refers to taking advantage of the fishes on the tables tonight. If there was ever an example of where poker software can be used to pay for itself it is tonight. I got in from work, loaded up Party and started data-mining the cash tables. Then did a couple of jobs around the house, had dinner and watched the Euro 2008 semi-final. After that I checked back to see how the tables were looking and managed to find 5-6 tables with loose fishes on, i.e. playing over 50% of hands. Within about 10 minutes I was sitting on 4 of these tables and taking advantage of them.
I only lost 2 pots where I had put in more than $10 in the short session, and both of those could have ended very differently. The first one was very early on:
***** Hand History for Game 7170195196 *****
$50 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Wednesday, June 25, 17:18:24 ET 2008
Table Table 163765 (Real Money)
Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 3: card_nomade ( $16.85 USD )
Seat 4: kxu76 ( $71.05 USD )
Seat 5: mrcash9 ( $66.97 USD )
Seat 1: pixma11 ( $29.77 USD )
Seat 6: ISplashRollz ( $51.98 USD )
Seat 2: ben_w_2004 ( $49.25 USD )
kxu76 posts small blind [$0.25 USD].
mrcash9 posts big blind [$0.50 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to ben_w_2004 [ 3s 5s ]
ISplashRollz folds.
pixma11 calls [$0.50 USD]
ben_w_2004 raises [$2 USD]
card_nomade calls [$2 USD]
kxu76 folds.
mrcash9 calls [$1.50 USD]
pixma11 calls [$1.50 USD]
** Dealing Flop ** [ Ks, 4c, Ts ]
>You have options at Table 163664 Table!.
mrcash9 checks.
pixma11 bets [$7 USD]
ben_w_2004 calls [$7 USD]
card_nomade is all-In.
mrcash9 calls [$14.85 USD]
pixma11 folds.
ben_w_2004 calls [$7.85 USD]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Qd ]
mrcash9 checks.
ben_w_2004 checks.
** Dealing River ** [ 2s ]
mrcash9 bets [$32 USD]
ben_w_2004 folds.
mrcash9 shows [ Th, Tc ]three of a kind, Tens.
card_nomade doesn't show [ Qc, Kc ]two pairs, Kings and Queens.
mrcash9 wins $32 USD from the side pot 1 with three of a kind, Tens.
mrcash9 wins $56.81 USD from the main pot with three of a kind, Tens.
#Game No : 7170199286
I honestly don't know why I called the extra $7 after the guy had limp called $14! It was pretty obvious that I was going to face a decision like the one I was posed with when the spade hit the river and to me i just smelt like he had a bigger flush, he played it so bad to be fair and if I hadn't been such a good player and been able to get away from that he'd have been in trouble. A worse player would have insta-called for his stack their with my low flush.
Still that was only $17 lost. The next hand was the only outdraw I suffered all night which was nice, luckily it was only a short-stack:
***** Hand History for Game 7170219083 *****
$50 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Wednesday, June 25, 17:28:10 ET 2008
Table Table 162656 (Real Money)
Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 3: wixxkrueppel ( $22.72 USD )
Seat 4: eraiser83 ( $110.89 USD )
Seat 2: Scorcer777 ( $50 USD )
Seat 1: ben_w_2004 ( $58.98 USD )
Seat 5: DellaPierre ( $60.47 USD )
Seat 6: ISmashDreams ( $49.50 USD )
ISmashDreams posts small blind [$0.25 USD].
ben_w_2004 posts big blind [$0.50 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to ben_w_2004 [ As Ac ]
Scorcer777 folds.
wixxkrueppel calls [$0.50 USD]
eraiser83 folds.
DellaPierre calls [$0.50 USD]
ISmashDreams folds.
ben_w_2004 raises [$2 USD]
wixxkrueppel calls [$2 USD]
DellaPierre folds.
** Dealing Flop ** [ 8s, 6h, 9c ]
ben_w_2004 bets [$4 USD]
wixxkrueppel is all-In.
ben_w_2004 calls [$16.22 USD]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 6s ]
** Dealing River ** [ 9h ]
ben_w_2004 shows [ As, Ac ]two pairs, Aces and Nines.
wixxkrueppel shows [ 3d, 9d ]a full house, Nines full of Sixes.
wixxkrueppel wins $43.89 USD from the main pot with a full house, Nines full of Sixes.
#Game No : 7170221083
What the hell he's doing with nine-trey in this hand I do not know...oh wait... it was SOOTED...!
So...onto the good stuff...and there was plenty of it tonight, I think I may have even run better than the Cannon tonight, not only in making hands for myself, but also for my opponents to get enough of a piece to lose a large chunk of money.
saying that though the river probably cost me his whole stack here, although I should have just rereraised the turn then it wouldn't have even mattered as he no doubt would have shoved.
***** Hand History for Game 7170201834 *****
$50 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Wednesday, June 25, 17:21:11 ET 2008
Table Table 163765 (Real Money)
Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 4: kxu76 ( $70.80 USD )
Seat 5: mrcash9 ( $106.43 USD )
Seat 1: pixma11 ( $0 USD )
Seat 6: ISplashRollz ( $71.25 USD )
Seat 2: ben_w_2004 ( $50 USD )
Seat 3: Oddball79 ( $50 USD )
ISplashRollz posts small blind [$0.25 USD].
ben_w_2004 posts big blind [$0.50 USD].
pixma11 has left the table.
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to ben_w_2004 [ 8s As ]
kxu76 calls [$0.50 USD]
mrcash9 raises [$1 USD]
ISplashRollz folds.
ben_w_2004 calls [$0.50 USD]
kxu76 calls [$0.50 USD]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 4s, 5s, 2c ]
ben_w_2004 bets [$3 USD]
kxu76 calls [$3 USD]
Party3AHKA has joined the table.
mrcash9 calls [$3 USD]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 2s ]
>You have options at Table 163701 Table!.
ben_w_2004 bets [$6 USD]
kxu76 folds.
mrcash9 raises [$12 USD]
ben_w_2004 calls [$6 USD]
** Dealing River ** [ Ks ]
ben_w_2004 bets [$13 USD]
mrcash9 calls [$13 USD]
ben_w_2004 shows [ 8s, As ]a flush, Ace high.
mrcash9 doesn't show [ 9s, Ts ]a flush, King high.
ben_w_2004 wins $60.25 USD from the main pot with a flush, Ace high.
#Game No : 7170205447
Ironically this was against the same guy who I folded a low flush to earlier so I was prety much just getting back the chips I'd loaned him...
A lovely check-raise on the river in this next hand:
***** Hand History for Game 7170235581 *****
$50 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Wednesday, June 25, 17:34:51 ET 2008
Table Table 163719 (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 3: Bakvos ( $87.03 USD )
Seat 1: g_wentino ( $93.71 USD )
Seat 2: sparrt ( $38.23 USD )
Seat 4: cont_radu_cf ( $61.18 USD )
Seat 6: ben_w_2004 ( $67.30 USD )
Seat 5: ISmashDreams ( $50 USD )
ben_w_2004 posts small blind [$0.25 USD].
g_wentino posts big blind [$0.50 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to ben_w_2004 [ Qs Kc ]
sparrt folds.
Bakvos folds.
cont_radu_cf folds.
ben_w_2004 raises [$1.75 USD]
g_wentino calls [$1.50 USD]
** Dealing Flop ** [ Jd, 5h, Tc ]
ben_w_2004 bets [$3 USD]
g_wentino calls [$3 USD]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Ah ]
>You have options at Table 163701 Table!.
ben_w_2004 bets [$7 USD]
g_wentino raises [$19 USD]
ben_w_2004 calls [$12 USD]
** Dealing River ** [ 7d ]
ben_w_2004 checks.
g_wentino bets [$21 USD]
ben_w_2004 is all-In.
g_wentino calls [$22.30 USD]
g_wentino shows [ Jh, Ad ]two pairs, Aces and Jacks.
ben_w_2004 shows [ Qs, Kc ]a straight Ten to Ace.
ben_w_2004 wins $132.60 USD from the main pot with a straight, Ten to Ace.
#Game No : 7170238732
Pretty much put him on AJ and could tell he wanted to fold when I reraised him but he'd already committed too much.
Here's another example of the deck helping me out:
***** Hand History for Game 7170216674 *****
$50 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Wednesday, June 25, 17:27:12 ET 2008
Table Table 163701 (Real Money)
Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 4: ArisBFT ( $104.75 USD )
Seat 2: SNEEKWATER7 ( $66.90 USD )
Seat 6: StevieG1515 ( $56.02 USD )
Seat 3: ben_w_2004 ( $56.05 USD )
Seat 1: mtn_dude ( $116.23 USD )
Seat 5: Alphahahn ( $51.15 USD )
StevieG1515 posts small blind [$0.25 USD].
SNEEKWATER7 posts big blind [$0.50 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to ben_w_2004 [ Kd Jh ]
ben_w_2004 raises [$2 USD]
ArisBFT folds.
Alphahahn folds.
>You have options at Table 163765 Table!.
StevieG1515 raises [$4.75 USD]
ben_w_2004 calls [$3 USD]
** Dealing Flop ** [ Jd, 6h, 9h ]
>You have options at Table 163664 Table!.
StevieG1515 checks.
ben_w_2004 checks.
** Dealing Turn ** [ Kh ]
StevieG1515 bets [$2.50 USD]
ben_w_2004 calls [$2.50 USD]
** Dealing River ** [ Ks ]
>You have options at Table 163719 Table!.
StevieG1515 bets [$10 USD]
ben_w_2004 raises [$35 USD]
StevieG1515 is all-In.
ben_w_2004 calls [$13.52 USD]
ben_w_2004 shows [ Kd, Jh ]a full house, Kings full of Jacks.
StevieG1515 doesn't show [ Js, Jc ]a full house, Jacks full of Kings.
ben_w_2004 wins $110.54 USD from the main pot with a full house, Kings full of Jacks.
#Game No : 7170219088
I pretty much sensed he was setting some sort of trap here. He had continuation bet 100% of the time and it didnt add up that he wouldnt having reraised preflop. Thought I was drawing to a heart even when I called the small turn bet, obviously the second king was the only card that meant I'd:
a) win the hand
b) get paid off
Had a couple of other mid-size pots that went well mainly where I got a couple of big bets called with big pairs. I saw Aces 5 times in the 193 hands! Considering you get them on average once every 214 hands that stat was pleasant...
It wouldn't be a good post without a nice graph to show you, so here it is...

I'm going on holiday on Saturday for a week to La Manga, so that will be a good session to end things for a while if I don't get to play again before I go.
Profit for Night: $161.43
The title of this post refers to taking advantage of the fishes on the tables tonight. If there was ever an example of where poker software can be used to pay for itself it is tonight. I got in from work, loaded up Party and started data-mining the cash tables. Then did a couple of jobs around the house, had dinner and watched the Euro 2008 semi-final. After that I checked back to see how the tables were looking and managed to find 5-6 tables with loose fishes on, i.e. playing over 50% of hands. Within about 10 minutes I was sitting on 4 of these tables and taking advantage of them.
I only lost 2 pots where I had put in more than $10 in the short session, and both of those could have ended very differently. The first one was very early on:
***** Hand History for Game 7170195196 *****
$50 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Wednesday, June 25, 17:18:24 ET 2008
Table Table 163765 (Real Money)
Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 3: card_nomade ( $16.85 USD )
Seat 4: kxu76 ( $71.05 USD )
Seat 5: mrcash9 ( $66.97 USD )
Seat 1: pixma11 ( $29.77 USD )
Seat 6: ISplashRollz ( $51.98 USD )
Seat 2: ben_w_2004 ( $49.25 USD )
kxu76 posts small blind [$0.25 USD].
mrcash9 posts big blind [$0.50 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to ben_w_2004 [ 3s 5s ]
ISplashRollz folds.
pixma11 calls [$0.50 USD]
ben_w_2004 raises [$2 USD]
card_nomade calls [$2 USD]
kxu76 folds.
mrcash9 calls [$1.50 USD]
pixma11 calls [$1.50 USD]
** Dealing Flop ** [ Ks, 4c, Ts ]
>You have options at Table 163664 Table!.
mrcash9 checks.
pixma11 bets [$7 USD]
ben_w_2004 calls [$7 USD]
card_nomade is all-In.
mrcash9 calls [$14.85 USD]
pixma11 folds.
ben_w_2004 calls [$7.85 USD]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Qd ]
mrcash9 checks.
ben_w_2004 checks.
** Dealing River ** [ 2s ]
mrcash9 bets [$32 USD]
ben_w_2004 folds.
mrcash9 shows [ Th, Tc ]three of a kind, Tens.
card_nomade doesn't show [ Qc, Kc ]two pairs, Kings and Queens.
mrcash9 wins $32 USD from the side pot 1 with three of a kind, Tens.
mrcash9 wins $56.81 USD from the main pot with three of a kind, Tens.
#Game No : 7170199286
I honestly don't know why I called the extra $7 after the guy had limp called $14! It was pretty obvious that I was going to face a decision like the one I was posed with when the spade hit the river and to me i just smelt like he had a bigger flush, he played it so bad to be fair and if I hadn't been such a good player and been able to get away from that he'd have been in trouble. A worse player would have insta-called for his stack their with my low flush.
Still that was only $17 lost. The next hand was the only outdraw I suffered all night which was nice, luckily it was only a short-stack:
***** Hand History for Game 7170219083 *****
$50 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Wednesday, June 25, 17:28:10 ET 2008
Table Table 162656 (Real Money)
Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 3: wixxkrueppel ( $22.72 USD )
Seat 4: eraiser83 ( $110.89 USD )
Seat 2: Scorcer777 ( $50 USD )
Seat 1: ben_w_2004 ( $58.98 USD )
Seat 5: DellaPierre ( $60.47 USD )
Seat 6: ISmashDreams ( $49.50 USD )
ISmashDreams posts small blind [$0.25 USD].
ben_w_2004 posts big blind [$0.50 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to ben_w_2004 [ As Ac ]
Scorcer777 folds.
wixxkrueppel calls [$0.50 USD]
eraiser83 folds.
DellaPierre calls [$0.50 USD]
ISmashDreams folds.
ben_w_2004 raises [$2 USD]
wixxkrueppel calls [$2 USD]
DellaPierre folds.
** Dealing Flop ** [ 8s, 6h, 9c ]
ben_w_2004 bets [$4 USD]
wixxkrueppel is all-In.
ben_w_2004 calls [$16.22 USD]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 6s ]
** Dealing River ** [ 9h ]
ben_w_2004 shows [ As, Ac ]two pairs, Aces and Nines.
wixxkrueppel shows [ 3d, 9d ]a full house, Nines full of Sixes.
wixxkrueppel wins $43.89 USD from the main pot with a full house, Nines full of Sixes.
#Game No : 7170221083
What the hell he's doing with nine-trey in this hand I do not know...oh wait... it was SOOTED...!
So...onto the good stuff...and there was plenty of it tonight, I think I may have even run better than the Cannon tonight, not only in making hands for myself, but also for my opponents to get enough of a piece to lose a large chunk of money.
saying that though the river probably cost me his whole stack here, although I should have just rereraised the turn then it wouldn't have even mattered as he no doubt would have shoved.
***** Hand History for Game 7170201834 *****
$50 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Wednesday, June 25, 17:21:11 ET 2008
Table Table 163765 (Real Money)
Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 4: kxu76 ( $70.80 USD )
Seat 5: mrcash9 ( $106.43 USD )
Seat 1: pixma11 ( $0 USD )
Seat 6: ISplashRollz ( $71.25 USD )
Seat 2: ben_w_2004 ( $50 USD )
Seat 3: Oddball79 ( $50 USD )
ISplashRollz posts small blind [$0.25 USD].
ben_w_2004 posts big blind [$0.50 USD].
pixma11 has left the table.
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to ben_w_2004 [ 8s As ]
kxu76 calls [$0.50 USD]
mrcash9 raises [$1 USD]
ISplashRollz folds.
ben_w_2004 calls [$0.50 USD]
kxu76 calls [$0.50 USD]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 4s, 5s, 2c ]
ben_w_2004 bets [$3 USD]
kxu76 calls [$3 USD]
Party3AHKA has joined the table.
mrcash9 calls [$3 USD]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 2s ]
>You have options at Table 163701 Table!.
ben_w_2004 bets [$6 USD]
kxu76 folds.
mrcash9 raises [$12 USD]
ben_w_2004 calls [$6 USD]
** Dealing River ** [ Ks ]
ben_w_2004 bets [$13 USD]
mrcash9 calls [$13 USD]
ben_w_2004 shows [ 8s, As ]a flush, Ace high.
mrcash9 doesn't show [ 9s, Ts ]a flush, King high.
ben_w_2004 wins $60.25 USD from the main pot with a flush, Ace high.
#Game No : 7170205447
Ironically this was against the same guy who I folded a low flush to earlier so I was prety much just getting back the chips I'd loaned him...
A lovely check-raise on the river in this next hand:
***** Hand History for Game 7170235581 *****
$50 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Wednesday, June 25, 17:34:51 ET 2008
Table Table 163719 (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 3: Bakvos ( $87.03 USD )
Seat 1: g_wentino ( $93.71 USD )
Seat 2: sparrt ( $38.23 USD )
Seat 4: cont_radu_cf ( $61.18 USD )
Seat 6: ben_w_2004 ( $67.30 USD )
Seat 5: ISmashDreams ( $50 USD )
ben_w_2004 posts small blind [$0.25 USD].
g_wentino posts big blind [$0.50 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to ben_w_2004 [ Qs Kc ]
sparrt folds.
Bakvos folds.
cont_radu_cf folds.
ben_w_2004 raises [$1.75 USD]
g_wentino calls [$1.50 USD]
** Dealing Flop ** [ Jd, 5h, Tc ]
ben_w_2004 bets [$3 USD]
g_wentino calls [$3 USD]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Ah ]
>You have options at Table 163701 Table!.
ben_w_2004 bets [$7 USD]
g_wentino raises [$19 USD]
ben_w_2004 calls [$12 USD]
** Dealing River ** [ 7d ]
ben_w_2004 checks.
g_wentino bets [$21 USD]
ben_w_2004 is all-In.
g_wentino calls [$22.30 USD]
g_wentino shows [ Jh, Ad ]two pairs, Aces and Jacks.
ben_w_2004 shows [ Qs, Kc ]a straight Ten to Ace.
ben_w_2004 wins $132.60 USD from the main pot with a straight, Ten to Ace.
#Game No : 7170238732
Pretty much put him on AJ and could tell he wanted to fold when I reraised him but he'd already committed too much.
Here's another example of the deck helping me out:
***** Hand History for Game 7170216674 *****
$50 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Wednesday, June 25, 17:27:12 ET 2008
Table Table 163701 (Real Money)
Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 4: ArisBFT ( $104.75 USD )
Seat 2: SNEEKWATER7 ( $66.90 USD )
Seat 6: StevieG1515 ( $56.02 USD )
Seat 3: ben_w_2004 ( $56.05 USD )
Seat 1: mtn_dude ( $116.23 USD )
Seat 5: Alphahahn ( $51.15 USD )
StevieG1515 posts small blind [$0.25 USD].
SNEEKWATER7 posts big blind [$0.50 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to ben_w_2004 [ Kd Jh ]
ben_w_2004 raises [$2 USD]
ArisBFT folds.
Alphahahn folds.
>You have options at Table 163765 Table!.
StevieG1515 raises [$4.75 USD]
ben_w_2004 calls [$3 USD]
** Dealing Flop ** [ Jd, 6h, 9h ]
>You have options at Table 163664 Table!.
StevieG1515 checks.
ben_w_2004 checks.
** Dealing Turn ** [ Kh ]
StevieG1515 bets [$2.50 USD]
ben_w_2004 calls [$2.50 USD]
** Dealing River ** [ Ks ]
>You have options at Table 163719 Table!.
StevieG1515 bets [$10 USD]
ben_w_2004 raises [$35 USD]
StevieG1515 is all-In.
ben_w_2004 calls [$13.52 USD]
ben_w_2004 shows [ Kd, Jh ]a full house, Kings full of Jacks.
StevieG1515 doesn't show [ Js, Jc ]a full house, Jacks full of Kings.
ben_w_2004 wins $110.54 USD from the main pot with a full house, Kings full of Jacks.
#Game No : 7170219088
I pretty much sensed he was setting some sort of trap here. He had continuation bet 100% of the time and it didnt add up that he wouldnt having reraised preflop. Thought I was drawing to a heart even when I called the small turn bet, obviously the second king was the only card that meant I'd:
a) win the hand
b) get paid off
Had a couple of other mid-size pots that went well mainly where I got a couple of big bets called with big pairs. I saw Aces 5 times in the 193 hands! Considering you get them on average once every 214 hands that stat was pleasant...
It wouldn't be a good post without a nice graph to show you, so here it is...

I'm going on holiday on Saturday for a week to La Manga, so that will be a good session to end things for a while if I don't get to play again before I go.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
The river has not been kind...
The other day I had a big losing session because of bad play, I'll be the first to admit that. But TODAY has been something else, as the title of this post suggests. I dropped around $140 this evening and pretty much all the big pots I played I was in front on the turn and behind on the river.
The first hand is the main exception to the rule however:
***** Hand History for Game 7160028517 *****
$50 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Saturday, June 21, 18:01:25 ET 2008
Table Table 163103 (Real Money)
Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 2: nancyboy88 ( $59.23 USD )
Seat 5: ruin_me ( $67.36 USD )
Seat 4: ben_w_2004 ( $50 USD )
Seat 6: SethGecko82 ( $50 USD )
Seat 1: Lines13 ( $37.04 USD )
Seat 3: klater ( $49.25 USD )
ben_w_2004 posts small blind [$0.25 USD].
ruin_me posts big blind [$0.50 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to ben_w_2004 [ 3d 3c ]
SethGecko82 folds.
>You have options at Table 163719 Table!.
Lines13 calls [$0.50 USD]
nancyboy88 raises [$2.50 USD]
klater calls [$2.50 USD]
ben_w_2004 calls [$2.25 USD]
>You have options at Table 163719 Table!.
ruin_me folds.
Lines13 folds.
** Dealing Flop ** [ 3h, 6d, 9s ]
ben_w_2004 checks.
nancyboy88 bets [$6 USD]
klater raises [$13 USD]
ben_w_2004 calls [$13 USD]
nancyboy88 is all-In.
klater folds.
ben_w_2004 is all-In.
** Dealing Turn ** [ Ah ]
** Dealing River ** [ 8d ]
ben_w_2004 shows [ 3d, 3c ]three of a kind, Threes.
nancyboy88 shows [ 9h, 9d ]three of a kind, Nines.
nancyboy88 wins $9.23 USD from the side pot 1 with three of a kind, Nines.
nancyboy88 wins $113.50 USD from the main pot with three of a kind, Nines.
There's no way I'm getting away from this for 100 big blinds and the set over set set-up was just typical of the whole night.
Next was the first of the river miracles:
***** Hand History for Game 7160022867 *****
$50 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Saturday, June 21, 17:59:10 ET 2008
Table Table 163103 (Real Money)
Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 2: nancyboy88 ( $59.98 USD )
Seat 5: ruin_me ( $65.11 USD )
Seat 4: ben_w_2004 ( $50 USD )
Seat 6: SethGecko82 ( $47 USD )
Seat 1: Lines13 ( $19.50 USD )
Seat 3: klater ( $50 USD )
SethGecko82 posts small blind [$0.25 USD].
Lines13 posts big blind [$0.50 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to ben_w_2004 [ Kh Th ]
nancyboy88 folds.
ben_w_2004 raises [$2 USD]
ruin_me folds.
SethGecko82 folds.
Lines13 calls [$1.50 USD]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 5c, Js, Ks ]
Lines13 checks.
>You have options at Table 163719 Table!.
ben_w_2004 bets [$3 USD]
Lines13 calls [$3 USD]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 4c ]
Lines13 bets [$2.50 USD]
ben_w_2004 raises [$14.50 USD]
>You have options at Table 163719 Table!.
Lines13 is all-In.
** Dealing River ** [ Tc ]
ben_w_2004 shows [ Kh, Th ]two pairs, Kings and Tens.
Lines13 shows [ 3c, Kc ]a flush, King high.
Lines13 wins $37.29 USD from the main pot with a flush, King high.
#Game No : 7160025811
To be fair he did have the flush draw and a few 3's to draw to so this wasn't the worst of the night.
This was probably the most annoying hand of the day:
***** Hand History for Game 7160090754 *****
$50 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Saturday, June 21, 18:24:39 ET 2008
Table Table 163718 (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 2: pacuma ( $101.75 USD )
Seat 3: kaiserzose ( $35.93 USD )
Seat 6: hubdiflagner ( $51.88 USD )
Seat 5: ben_w_2004 ( $74.40 USD )
Seat 4: simaoclone ( $25.54 USD )
Seat 1: Youse11111 ( $50 USD )
Youse11111 posts small blind [$0.25 USD].
pacuma posts big blind [$0.50 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to ben_w_2004 [ Kd Th ]
kaiserzose raises [$1 USD]
simaoclone folds.
ben_w_2004 calls [$1 USD]
hubdiflagner folds.
Youse11111 folds.
pacuma calls [$0.50 USD]
** Dealing Flop ** [ Ks, 5h, Tc ]
pacuma checks.
kaiserzose bets [$2 USD]
ben_w_2004 raises [$6 USD]
pacuma folds.
kaiserzose calls [$4 USD]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Kc ]
kaiserzose bets [$6 USD]
ben_w_2004 calls [$6 USD]
** Dealing River ** [ Ah ]
kaiserzose bets [$0.50 USD]
ben_w_2004 raises [$12 USD]
kaiserzose is all-In.
ben_w_2004 calls [$10.93 USD]
ben_w_2004 shows [ Kd, Th ]a full house, Kings full of Tens.
kaiserzose shows [ Ad, Kh ]a full house, Kings full of Aces.
kaiserzose wins $70.11 USD from the main pot with a full house, Kings full of Aces.
#Game No : 7160094798
Obviously any other card and I get his whole stack. He was a bad player this guy and I happened to be sitting next to him on another table when this happened:
***** Hand History for Game 7160030802 *****
$50 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Saturday, June 21, 18:02:21 ET 2008
Table Table 163719 (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 2: Amela21 ( $20.60 USD )
Seat 3: Gamlet66 ( $27.05 USD )
Seat 4: hubdiflagner ( $50.50 USD )
Seat 6: kaiserzose ( $24.07 USD )
Seat 1: ben_w_2004 ( $50 USD )
Seat 5: Da__Banker ( $42.38 USD )
ben_w_2004 posts small blind [$0.25 USD].
Amela21 posts big blind [$0.50 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to ben_w_2004 [ Ad As ]
Gamlet66 folds.
hubdiflagner folds.
Da__Banker folds.
kaiserzose raises [$1 USD]
ben_w_2004 raises [$3.75 USD]
Amela21 folds.
kaiserzose calls [$3 USD]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 8c, 2s, Jh ]
ben_w_2004 checks.
kaiserzose bets [$5 USD]
ben_w_2004 calls [$5 USD]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Th ]
ben_w_2004 checks.
kaiserzose is all-In.
ben_w_2004 calls [$15.07 USD]
** Dealing River ** [ Qc ]
ben_w_2004 shows [ Ad, As ]a pair of Aces.
kaiserzose shows [ 8s, Qs ]two pairs, Queens and Eights.
kaiserzose wins $46.21 USD from the main pot with two pairs, Queens and Eights.
>You have options at Table 163764 Table!.
#Game No : 7160033037
Boom...on the river again. So that's about $150 worth of pots I've been sucked out on and another $50 lost to a set up and I would say I've played great poker tonight and generally made the right decisions, just disappointing that it doesn't reflect in profit.
Just had this little gem as well:
***** Hand History for Game 7160098126 *****
$50 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Saturday, June 21, 18:27:16 ET 2008
Table Speed #1416553 (No DP) (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Banu48 ( $43.16 USD )
Seat 2: suganutz911 ( $19.58 USD )
Seat 3: john_cormier ( $20.25 USD )
Seat 4: fullCastle ( $22.16 USD )
Seat 5: gorrie_1 ( $19.59 USD )
Seat 6: ben_w_2004 ( $50 USD )
gorrie_1 posts small blind [$0.25 USD].
ben_w_2004 posts big blind [$0.50 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to ben_w_2004 [ 8s 6s ]
Banu48 folds.
suganutz911 calls [$0.50 USD]
john_cormier calls [$0.50 USD]
fullCastle folds.
gorrie_1 calls [$0.25 USD]
ben_w_2004 checks.
** Dealing Flop ** [ 3s, 6d, 2s ]
gorrie_1 checks.
ben_w_2004 bets [$1.50 USD]
suganutz911 calls [$1.50 USD]
john_cormier calls [$1.50 USD]
gorrie_1 folds.
** Dealing Turn ** [ 8c ]
ben_w_2004 bets [$6 USD]
suganutz911 calls [$6 USD]
john_cormier calls [$6 USD]
** Dealing River ** [ 7s ]
ben_w_2004 is all-In.
suganutz911 did not respond in time
suganutz911 folds.
john_cormier is all-In.
ben_w_2004 shows [ 8s, 6s ]a flush, Eight high.
john_cormier shows [ 4s, Js ]a flush, Jack high.
ben_w_2004 wins $29.75 USD from the side pot 1 with a flush, Eight high.
john_cormier wins $46.55 USD from the main pot with a flush, Jack high.
#Game No : 7160101048
Thanks for that river Party, I was happy with the 2 pair though...
Here's the graph:

In other news I finally got round to playing another round of golf today for the first time since early April. Played a new course down near Folkestone at Etchinghill and it was a pretty nice, well-maintained course, would definitely visit again. I shot a 92 which I was more than happy with having not played for so long and was good preparation for La Manga next week. Dad managed to break a record...his highest ever round...by shooting 135, the most impressive holes were probably the 14 and 15...yes those are the scores not the holes! Some of the shots reminded me of N-Dog in his prime shanking days...
The first hand is the main exception to the rule however:
***** Hand History for Game 7160028517 *****
$50 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Saturday, June 21, 18:01:25 ET 2008
Table Table 163103 (Real Money)
Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 2: nancyboy88 ( $59.23 USD )
Seat 5: ruin_me ( $67.36 USD )
Seat 4: ben_w_2004 ( $50 USD )
Seat 6: SethGecko82 ( $50 USD )
Seat 1: Lines13 ( $37.04 USD )
Seat 3: klater ( $49.25 USD )
ben_w_2004 posts small blind [$0.25 USD].
ruin_me posts big blind [$0.50 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to ben_w_2004 [ 3d 3c ]
SethGecko82 folds.
>You have options at Table 163719 Table!.
Lines13 calls [$0.50 USD]
nancyboy88 raises [$2.50 USD]
klater calls [$2.50 USD]
ben_w_2004 calls [$2.25 USD]
>You have options at Table 163719 Table!.
ruin_me folds.
Lines13 folds.
** Dealing Flop ** [ 3h, 6d, 9s ]
ben_w_2004 checks.
nancyboy88 bets [$6 USD]
klater raises [$13 USD]
ben_w_2004 calls [$13 USD]
nancyboy88 is all-In.
klater folds.
ben_w_2004 is all-In.
** Dealing Turn ** [ Ah ]
** Dealing River ** [ 8d ]
ben_w_2004 shows [ 3d, 3c ]three of a kind, Threes.
nancyboy88 shows [ 9h, 9d ]three of a kind, Nines.
nancyboy88 wins $9.23 USD from the side pot 1 with three of a kind, Nines.
nancyboy88 wins $113.50 USD from the main pot with three of a kind, Nines.
There's no way I'm getting away from this for 100 big blinds and the set over set set-up was just typical of the whole night.
Next was the first of the river miracles:
***** Hand History for Game 7160022867 *****
$50 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Saturday, June 21, 17:59:10 ET 2008
Table Table 163103 (Real Money)
Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 2: nancyboy88 ( $59.98 USD )
Seat 5: ruin_me ( $65.11 USD )
Seat 4: ben_w_2004 ( $50 USD )
Seat 6: SethGecko82 ( $47 USD )
Seat 1: Lines13 ( $19.50 USD )
Seat 3: klater ( $50 USD )
SethGecko82 posts small blind [$0.25 USD].
Lines13 posts big blind [$0.50 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to ben_w_2004 [ Kh Th ]
nancyboy88 folds.
ben_w_2004 raises [$2 USD]
ruin_me folds.
SethGecko82 folds.
Lines13 calls [$1.50 USD]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 5c, Js, Ks ]
Lines13 checks.
>You have options at Table 163719 Table!.
ben_w_2004 bets [$3 USD]
Lines13 calls [$3 USD]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 4c ]
Lines13 bets [$2.50 USD]
ben_w_2004 raises [$14.50 USD]
>You have options at Table 163719 Table!.
Lines13 is all-In.
** Dealing River ** [ Tc ]
ben_w_2004 shows [ Kh, Th ]two pairs, Kings and Tens.
Lines13 shows [ 3c, Kc ]a flush, King high.
Lines13 wins $37.29 USD from the main pot with a flush, King high.
#Game No : 7160025811
To be fair he did have the flush draw and a few 3's to draw to so this wasn't the worst of the night.
This was probably the most annoying hand of the day:
***** Hand History for Game 7160090754 *****
$50 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Saturday, June 21, 18:24:39 ET 2008
Table Table 163718 (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 2: pacuma ( $101.75 USD )
Seat 3: kaiserzose ( $35.93 USD )
Seat 6: hubdiflagner ( $51.88 USD )
Seat 5: ben_w_2004 ( $74.40 USD )
Seat 4: simaoclone ( $25.54 USD )
Seat 1: Youse11111 ( $50 USD )
Youse11111 posts small blind [$0.25 USD].
pacuma posts big blind [$0.50 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to ben_w_2004 [ Kd Th ]
kaiserzose raises [$1 USD]
simaoclone folds.
ben_w_2004 calls [$1 USD]
hubdiflagner folds.
Youse11111 folds.
pacuma calls [$0.50 USD]
** Dealing Flop ** [ Ks, 5h, Tc ]
pacuma checks.
kaiserzose bets [$2 USD]
ben_w_2004 raises [$6 USD]
pacuma folds.
kaiserzose calls [$4 USD]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Kc ]
kaiserzose bets [$6 USD]
ben_w_2004 calls [$6 USD]
** Dealing River ** [ Ah ]
kaiserzose bets [$0.50 USD]
ben_w_2004 raises [$12 USD]
kaiserzose is all-In.
ben_w_2004 calls [$10.93 USD]
ben_w_2004 shows [ Kd, Th ]a full house, Kings full of Tens.
kaiserzose shows [ Ad, Kh ]a full house, Kings full of Aces.
kaiserzose wins $70.11 USD from the main pot with a full house, Kings full of Aces.
#Game No : 7160094798
Obviously any other card and I get his whole stack. He was a bad player this guy and I happened to be sitting next to him on another table when this happened:
***** Hand History for Game 7160030802 *****
$50 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Saturday, June 21, 18:02:21 ET 2008
Table Table 163719 (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 2: Amela21 ( $20.60 USD )
Seat 3: Gamlet66 ( $27.05 USD )
Seat 4: hubdiflagner ( $50.50 USD )
Seat 6: kaiserzose ( $24.07 USD )
Seat 1: ben_w_2004 ( $50 USD )
Seat 5: Da__Banker ( $42.38 USD )
ben_w_2004 posts small blind [$0.25 USD].
Amela21 posts big blind [$0.50 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to ben_w_2004 [ Ad As ]
Gamlet66 folds.
hubdiflagner folds.
Da__Banker folds.
kaiserzose raises [$1 USD]
ben_w_2004 raises [$3.75 USD]
Amela21 folds.
kaiserzose calls [$3 USD]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 8c, 2s, Jh ]
ben_w_2004 checks.
kaiserzose bets [$5 USD]
ben_w_2004 calls [$5 USD]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Th ]
ben_w_2004 checks.
kaiserzose is all-In.
ben_w_2004 calls [$15.07 USD]
** Dealing River ** [ Qc ]
ben_w_2004 shows [ Ad, As ]a pair of Aces.
kaiserzose shows [ 8s, Qs ]two pairs, Queens and Eights.
kaiserzose wins $46.21 USD from the main pot with two pairs, Queens and Eights.
>You have options at Table 163764 Table!.
#Game No : 7160033037
Boom...on the river again. So that's about $150 worth of pots I've been sucked out on and another $50 lost to a set up and I would say I've played great poker tonight and generally made the right decisions, just disappointing that it doesn't reflect in profit.
Just had this little gem as well:
***** Hand History for Game 7160098126 *****
$50 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Saturday, June 21, 18:27:16 ET 2008
Table Speed #1416553 (No DP) (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Banu48 ( $43.16 USD )
Seat 2: suganutz911 ( $19.58 USD )
Seat 3: john_cormier ( $20.25 USD )
Seat 4: fullCastle ( $22.16 USD )
Seat 5: gorrie_1 ( $19.59 USD )
Seat 6: ben_w_2004 ( $50 USD )
gorrie_1 posts small blind [$0.25 USD].
ben_w_2004 posts big blind [$0.50 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to ben_w_2004 [ 8s 6s ]
Banu48 folds.
suganutz911 calls [$0.50 USD]
john_cormier calls [$0.50 USD]
fullCastle folds.
gorrie_1 calls [$0.25 USD]
ben_w_2004 checks.
** Dealing Flop ** [ 3s, 6d, 2s ]
gorrie_1 checks.
ben_w_2004 bets [$1.50 USD]
suganutz911 calls [$1.50 USD]
john_cormier calls [$1.50 USD]
gorrie_1 folds.
** Dealing Turn ** [ 8c ]
ben_w_2004 bets [$6 USD]
suganutz911 calls [$6 USD]
john_cormier calls [$6 USD]
** Dealing River ** [ 7s ]
ben_w_2004 is all-In.
suganutz911 did not respond in time
suganutz911 folds.
john_cormier is all-In.
ben_w_2004 shows [ 8s, 6s ]a flush, Eight high.
john_cormier shows [ 4s, Js ]a flush, Jack high.
ben_w_2004 wins $29.75 USD from the side pot 1 with a flush, Eight high.
john_cormier wins $46.55 USD from the main pot with a flush, Jack high.
#Game No : 7160101048
Thanks for that river Party, I was happy with the 2 pair though...
Here's the graph:

In other news I finally got round to playing another round of golf today for the first time since early April. Played a new course down near Folkestone at Etchinghill and it was a pretty nice, well-maintained course, would definitely visit again. I shot a 92 which I was more than happy with having not played for so long and was good preparation for La Manga next week. Dad managed to break a record...his highest ever round...by shooting 135, the most impressive holes were probably the 14 and 15...yes those are the scores not the holes! Some of the shots reminded me of N-Dog in his prime shanking days...
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Grinding away
The last few sessions I have played have been fairly encouraging. Moving on from the last post I've ground out a small profit in a couple of hour-or-so sessions.
In other gambling news I used my £50 free bet on Betfred to back Tiger Woods in the US Open on Saturday at 9/4. 2 days later and I was happy with my £112.50 return after 19 play-off holes!
Had a few quid on Royal Ascot as well. Ended up -£5 on Tuesday and -£1 today. I'll be happy with -£30 for the whole meet considering that there are 5 days to get through, seems to be more about minimizing losses than making a profit for me!
I've also done pretty well with my Euro 2008 bets so far. Had £10 on Portugal at the start of the tournament at 8/1 and laid that at 5/1 after their first two matches so basically sand to win £30 if they win with no risk. Also laid Germany at the start of the tournament for £10 at 4/1 then bet on them at 6/1 after they lost to Croatia so I again have no risk. I also had a £5 bet on Russia at 33/1 before the tourney started and having now qualified for the Quarters they've come in to 14/1 so I'll be laying them off tomorrow as they have the Dutch in the next round.
Of course, in line with my recent posts, this post wouldn't be complete with out the latest graph. Back over the $100 profit mark. Should be over $400 but for the blow-up...
In other gambling news I used my £50 free bet on Betfred to back Tiger Woods in the US Open on Saturday at 9/4. 2 days later and I was happy with my £112.50 return after 19 play-off holes!
Had a few quid on Royal Ascot as well. Ended up -£5 on Tuesday and -£1 today. I'll be happy with -£30 for the whole meet considering that there are 5 days to get through, seems to be more about minimizing losses than making a profit for me!
I've also done pretty well with my Euro 2008 bets so far. Had £10 on Portugal at the start of the tournament at 8/1 and laid that at 5/1 after their first two matches so basically sand to win £30 if they win with no risk. Also laid Germany at the start of the tournament for £10 at 4/1 then bet on them at 6/1 after they lost to Croatia so I again have no risk. I also had a £5 bet on Russia at 33/1 before the tourney started and having now qualified for the Quarters they've come in to 14/1 so I'll be laying them off tomorrow as they have the Dutch in the next round.
Of course, in line with my recent posts, this post wouldn't be complete with out the latest graph. Back over the $100 profit mark. Should be over $400 but for the blow-up...

Sunday, June 15, 2008
Back in the black...
After my nightmare the other day I bravely went back to the tables today and ground out a $50 profit to push myself back above zero. Of course I have the graph to show you:

Nothing spectacular really. Just grinding away, had my usual dip when I started and thought my bad run may continue but managed to pull it together and make a few hands which was nice.
I'm currently watching the US Open, got a few quid on it as well, I've been betting and laying for the last couple of days and the upshot of it is that if Westwood wins I win £20 profit, Mediate wins I get £40 profit and I had a free £50 which I stuck on Woods yesterday at 9/4 when he was 5 shots behind the leader with 6 holes to play, when I got up this morning he was 8/15on and 1 shot in front! So was loving that, but wish I'd laid a bit of that bet because he's not looking too good today so far.
I'm also watching Ed "The Cannon" Roger (Wendyx25) in action in the $300k on Party, currently 50 left and he's got ~200k chips with the average about 150k. First prize is $60,000 so I am hoping and praying that he takes it down, will be so good for him and it's only a matter of time before he gets a big score like he might do tonight. Hopefully when he does he won't get too big headed and still play the 10p/20p home games...

Nothing spectacular really. Just grinding away, had my usual dip when I started and thought my bad run may continue but managed to pull it together and make a few hands which was nice.
I'm currently watching the US Open, got a few quid on it as well, I've been betting and laying for the last couple of days and the upshot of it is that if Westwood wins I win £20 profit, Mediate wins I get £40 profit and I had a free £50 which I stuck on Woods yesterday at 9/4 when he was 5 shots behind the leader with 6 holes to play, when I got up this morning he was 8/15on and 1 shot in front! So was loving that, but wish I'd laid a bit of that bet because he's not looking too good today so far.
I'm also watching Ed "The Cannon" Roger (Wendyx25) in action in the $300k on Party, currently 50 left and he's got ~200k chips with the average about 150k. First prize is $60,000 so I am hoping and praying that he takes it down, will be so good for him and it's only a matter of time before he gets a big score like he might do tonight. Hopefully when he does he won't get too big headed and still play the 10p/20p home games...
Friday, June 13, 2008
What the hell am I doing?
Just did something uncheeselike. Lost $320 in about 15 minutes playing $0.50/$1. Was up around $40 at one stage and was going to quit then but then this happened:
So decided to carry on, then:
Tilted so pushed a flush draw:
And finally got stacked when I would usually have folded the flop with no problems at all:
Obviously this had a catastrophic effect on the graph:

So decided to carry on, then:
Tilted so pushed a flush draw:
And finally got stacked when I would usually have folded the flop with no problems at all:
Obviously this had a catastrophic effect on the graph:

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
That's annoying...
My "new thing" when playing poker is to play like a tw*t for a while to build up a loose, rubbish image in the hope that my good hands get paid off. So it's very annoying when this happens:
***** Hand History for Game 7131835777 *****
$50 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Tuesday, June 10, 16:40:50 ET 2008
Table Table 152116 (Real Money)
Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: PokerKater80 ( $84.73 USD )
Seat 4: chen1222 ( $17.38 USD )
Seat 5: marbar112 ( $26.43 USD )
Seat 6: David210982 ( $56 USD )
Seat 2: m_bertelsen ( $54.94 USD )
Seat 3: ben_w_2004 ( $51.81 USD )
chen1222 posts small blind [$0.25 USD].
marbar112 posts big blind [$0.50 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to ben_w_2004 [ Ah Ad ]
David210982 raises [$2 USD]
PokerKater80 folds.
m_bertelsen folds.
ben_w_2004 raises [$7 USD]
chen1222 is all-In. ($17!)
marbar112 folds.
David210982 is all-In. ($56!!!)
ben_w_2004 is all-In.
** Dealing Flop ** [ 7h, Jd, 9d ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 3c ]
** Dealing River ** [ 8h ]
ben_w_2004 shows [ Ah, Ad ]a pair of Aces.
chen1222 shows [ 7d, 7c ]three of a kind, Sevens.
David210982 shows [ Js, Jc ]three of a kind, Jacks.
David210982 wins $4.19 USD from the side pot 2 with three of a kind, Jacks.
David210982 wins $68.49 USD from the side pot 1 with three of a kind, Jacks.
David210982 wins $50.01 USD from the main pot with three of a kind, Jacks.
Obviously this is what I want, someone to put in just over 100 big blinds with Jacks pre-flop. What I don't then want to see is a Jack pop up on the flop. Note that I also would have lost to the short stack who managed to hit a set of 7's.
I know what you're all thinking..."what has this done to the graph Ben?" Well I'll show you:

This is the graph for the 4.5k hands I've played since May when I started "afresh". I think if I'd won that pot with aces I would have reached a new peak in the graph. Oh well there's always tomorrow...
I needed cheering up so I thought I'd check out Cashy's graph and boy did it make me chuckle. I've only got about 300 hands on him from a couple of recent cash sessions but you will probably notice a general trend...

So that just shows me, things could be worse...
***** Hand History for Game 7131835777 *****
$50 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Tuesday, June 10, 16:40:50 ET 2008
Table Table 152116 (Real Money)
Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: PokerKater80 ( $84.73 USD )
Seat 4: chen1222 ( $17.38 USD )
Seat 5: marbar112 ( $26.43 USD )
Seat 6: David210982 ( $56 USD )
Seat 2: m_bertelsen ( $54.94 USD )
Seat 3: ben_w_2004 ( $51.81 USD )
chen1222 posts small blind [$0.25 USD].
marbar112 posts big blind [$0.50 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to ben_w_2004 [ Ah Ad ]
David210982 raises [$2 USD]
PokerKater80 folds.
m_bertelsen folds.
ben_w_2004 raises [$7 USD]
chen1222 is all-In. ($17!)
marbar112 folds.
David210982 is all-In. ($56!!!)
ben_w_2004 is all-In.
** Dealing Flop ** [ 7h, Jd, 9d ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 3c ]
** Dealing River ** [ 8h ]
ben_w_2004 shows [ Ah, Ad ]a pair of Aces.
chen1222 shows [ 7d, 7c ]three of a kind, Sevens.
David210982 shows [ Js, Jc ]three of a kind, Jacks.
David210982 wins $4.19 USD from the side pot 2 with three of a kind, Jacks.
David210982 wins $68.49 USD from the side pot 1 with three of a kind, Jacks.
David210982 wins $50.01 USD from the main pot with three of a kind, Jacks.
Obviously this is what I want, someone to put in just over 100 big blinds with Jacks pre-flop. What I don't then want to see is a Jack pop up on the flop. Note that I also would have lost to the short stack who managed to hit a set of 7's.
I know what you're all thinking..."what has this done to the graph Ben?" Well I'll show you:

This is the graph for the 4.5k hands I've played since May when I started "afresh". I think if I'd won that pot with aces I would have reached a new peak in the graph. Oh well there's always tomorrow...
I needed cheering up so I thought I'd check out Cashy's graph and boy did it make me chuckle. I've only got about 300 hands on him from a couple of recent cash sessions but you will probably notice a general trend...

So that just shows me, things could be worse...
Monday, May 26, 2008
3 Month Update
I literally have not played poker since the Reading Series of Poker back in February, until just recently.
Went up to London on Friday night for a cheeky 10p/20p cash game at Liam/Ed/Ant/Alpy's flat. Arrived and was straight into a game of snooker against the Cannon, easiest tenner I've ever made... to the cash game then and I bought in for £40, average stack was probably about £60 between the 6 of us. Not much to write home about cards wise for the night, we played for about 7 hours and in that time I saw AK once, Kings once, AQ a few times and that was pretty much it.
The AK hand I flat called an early raise atempting to mix things up. Unfortunately so did everyone else and we went to the flop 6-way! Flop comes a beautiful AAx and I check call a CashyP bet. Can't remember exactly what happened next but I think we got it all in on the turn with him pretty much sure he was behind, I think his words were "well if I'm beat, I'm beat" or something to that effect. I didn't win very many hands all night and stayed around the £70 mark for a long while before leaking money in the last couple of hours and ending up at about £50. Oh...almost forgot...I folded Kings pre-flop for the first time in my life. Standard. Of course Big Tone had aces for about the millionth time in the night, he's such a card rack.
Had a brief look at my pokertracker stats and managed to peel off a couple of graphs. The first is evidence of my lack of cash game prowess:

This is for about the last year I think as that is when I got pokertracker. So up about $150, would have been $200 if I hadnt just recieved a sick outdraw just now. Holding 22 on a 266A board I got it all in vs 69 on the turn, of course the 9 hit the river.
Here is my graph of Sit and Go's, I think just on Party and there's only 95 in the last year and I'm fairly certain I've played more than this considering I've played 20 in the last 2 days!

Big upswing near the end I cashed in 8 consecutive sng's, 3rd 3 times, 2nd 3 times and 1st twice, I ran like God in some of those. Big downswing at the end was last night where I cashed in just 1 out of 8 sng's, I ran like Cheese for them...
Went up to London on Friday night for a cheeky 10p/20p cash game at Liam/Ed/Ant/Alpy's flat. Arrived and was straight into a game of snooker against the Cannon, easiest tenner I've ever made... to the cash game then and I bought in for £40, average stack was probably about £60 between the 6 of us. Not much to write home about cards wise for the night, we played for about 7 hours and in that time I saw AK once, Kings once, AQ a few times and that was pretty much it.
The AK hand I flat called an early raise atempting to mix things up. Unfortunately so did everyone else and we went to the flop 6-way! Flop comes a beautiful AAx and I check call a CashyP bet. Can't remember exactly what happened next but I think we got it all in on the turn with him pretty much sure he was behind, I think his words were "well if I'm beat, I'm beat" or something to that effect. I didn't win very many hands all night and stayed around the £70 mark for a long while before leaking money in the last couple of hours and ending up at about £50. Oh...almost forgot...I folded Kings pre-flop for the first time in my life. Standard. Of course Big Tone had aces for about the millionth time in the night, he's such a card rack.
Had a brief look at my pokertracker stats and managed to peel off a couple of graphs. The first is evidence of my lack of cash game prowess:

This is for about the last year I think as that is when I got pokertracker. So up about $150, would have been $200 if I hadnt just recieved a sick outdraw just now. Holding 22 on a 266A board I got it all in vs 69 on the turn, of course the 9 hit the river.
Here is my graph of Sit and Go's, I think just on Party and there's only 95 in the last year and I'm fairly certain I've played more than this considering I've played 20 in the last 2 days!

Big upswing near the end I cashed in 8 consecutive sng's, 3rd 3 times, 2nd 3 times and 1st twice, I ran like God in some of those. Big downswing at the end was last night where I cashed in just 1 out of 8 sng's, I ran like Cheese for them...
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
All Change...
You may have noticed a little colour change to the blog...and if you haven't you must be a bit of an idiot (Cashy).
The reason for the change is that it looks less obvious when I'm looking at it at work. In fact I think there should be an option where you can make every page you look at on the whole internet simple black and white text and background so people wouldn't notice what you're looking at because your screen's all black etc...
Anyway, haven't posted in a while and as I finally have something worth posting about thought I'd better keep my reader (there is no s on the end of that for a reason) happy and write aboout my experiences of my first visit back to Reading for the annual Reading Series of Poker.
There's quite alot to write about so I'll split it over a few posts as I haven't got the time to write it all out at once. In fact a good method would be 3 posts, one for Thursday (Omaha tourney + Club Risa), one for Friday (Golf + IHO tourney + Random games at hotel) and one for the weekend (Main Event + Union)...bet you're all wetting yourself with excitement...
The reason for the change is that it looks less obvious when I'm looking at it at work. In fact I think there should be an option where you can make every page you look at on the whole internet simple black and white text and background so people wouldn't notice what you're looking at because your screen's all black etc...
Anyway, haven't posted in a while and as I finally have something worth posting about thought I'd better keep my reader (there is no s on the end of that for a reason) happy and write aboout my experiences of my first visit back to Reading for the annual Reading Series of Poker.
There's quite alot to write about so I'll split it over a few posts as I haven't got the time to write it all out at once. In fact a good method would be 3 posts, one for Thursday (Omaha tourney + Club Risa), one for Friday (Golf + IHO tourney + Random games at hotel) and one for the weekend (Main Event + Union)...bet you're all wetting yourself with excitement...
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Sat down with $30 at $0.25/0.50 and $15 at $0.10/0.25, wait for big blind in bigger game, am in the BB immediately in smaller game. Third hand in I pick up 88 on the button, folded round so I pop it up and as I do it I think "I can't remember the last time I flopped a set". Then boom... flop comes QT8...
PokerStars Game #15238519718: Hold'em No Limit ($0.10/$0.25) - 2008/02/12 - 14:40:49 (ET)
Table 'Fogelin IV' 6-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: Benw2004 ($14.60 in chips)
Seat 2: ilovegyoza ($20 in chips)
Seat 3: wateendag ($14.45 in chips)
Seat 4: camojy ($24.30 in chips)
Seat 5: Fupeg ($8.90 in chips)
ilovegyoza: posts small blind $0.10
wateendag: posts big blind $0.25
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Benw2004 [8c 8d]
camojy: folds
Fupeg: folds
Benw2004: raises $0.50 to $0.75
ilovegyoza: folds
wateendag: calls $0.50
*** FLOP *** [Th 8h Qc]
wateendag: checks
Benw2004: bets $1.50
wateendag: calls $1.50
*** TURN *** [Th 8h Qc] [6c]
wateendag: checks
Benw2004: bets $4
wateendag: raises $5 to $9
Benw2004: raises $3.35 to $12.35 and is all-in
wateendag: calls $3.20 and is all-in
*** RIVER *** [Th 8h Qc 6c] [2d]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
wateendag: shows [9d Jc] (a straight, Eight to Queen)
Benw2004: shows [8c 8d] (three of a kind, Eights)
wateendag collected $27.60 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $29 | Rake $1.40
Board [Th 8h Qc 6c 2d]
Seat 1: Benw2004 (button) showed [8c 8d] and lost with three of a kind, Eights
Seat 2: ilovegyoza (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 3: wateendag (big blind) showed [9d Jc] and won ($27.60) with a straight, Eight to Queen
Seat 4: camojy folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: Fupeg folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Of course he flops the nuts...
So I stand up from both tables and walk away...a good 2 minutes poker and I'm steaming already.
PokerStars Game #15238519718: Hold'em No Limit ($0.10/$0.25) - 2008/02/12 - 14:40:49 (ET)
Table 'Fogelin IV' 6-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: Benw2004 ($14.60 in chips)
Seat 2: ilovegyoza ($20 in chips)
Seat 3: wateendag ($14.45 in chips)
Seat 4: camojy ($24.30 in chips)
Seat 5: Fupeg ($8.90 in chips)
ilovegyoza: posts small blind $0.10
wateendag: posts big blind $0.25
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Benw2004 [8c 8d]
camojy: folds
Fupeg: folds
Benw2004: raises $0.50 to $0.75
ilovegyoza: folds
wateendag: calls $0.50
*** FLOP *** [Th 8h Qc]
wateendag: checks
Benw2004: bets $1.50
wateendag: calls $1.50
*** TURN *** [Th 8h Qc] [6c]
wateendag: checks
Benw2004: bets $4
wateendag: raises $5 to $9
Benw2004: raises $3.35 to $12.35 and is all-in
wateendag: calls $3.20 and is all-in
*** RIVER *** [Th 8h Qc 6c] [2d]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
wateendag: shows [9d Jc] (a straight, Eight to Queen)
Benw2004: shows [8c 8d] (three of a kind, Eights)
wateendag collected $27.60 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $29 | Rake $1.40
Board [Th 8h Qc 6c 2d]
Seat 1: Benw2004 (button) showed [8c 8d] and lost with three of a kind, Eights
Seat 2: ilovegyoza (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 3: wateendag (big blind) showed [9d Jc] and won ($27.60) with a straight, Eight to Queen
Seat 4: camojy folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: Fupeg folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Of course he flops the nuts...
So I stand up from both tables and walk away...a good 2 minutes poker and I'm steaming already.
Little Poker...
Have played for a grand total of 30 minutes since last Wednesday, sat down with my whole Stars bankroll ($33) for a quick 30 minute session last night whilst watching the Arsenal game and managed to grind my way to $51 in that time. I'm not planning on playing too much before the RSOP next week which I've taken the Thursday and Friday off work for it.
Plan as it stands at the moment is to meet at the Cannon's pad in London Thursday morning, travel down to Reading in some sort of convoy and then play golf during the day if we have time before the £20 PL Omaha on Thursday night at the Cotton Club. Friday is either golf if we didn't play Thursday or maybe a trip down Riley's to lose plenty of money to the N-Dog. Hopefully the Reading Poker Committee will manage to organise the IHO (Irish/Hold'em/Omaha) tournament for Friday night as was a good laugh last year but failing that I'm sure we'll find some other way to amuse ourselves. Then the main event on Saturday, £55 freezeout with 10k stacks and then a night at the union with the other players (or ballas as they like to be called) as well as my missus and her little brother who are coming down. Sunday fingers crossed will still be in the main event but if not will just find somewhere to watch the Carling Cup final, c'mon you Spurs...
As for the rest of this week, I'm going to see Strictly Come Dancing at the O2 Wednesday night (was forced into it) and then embarking on a long romantic weekend with the missus down to...Dover...well near there anyway....looking forward to it. Seriously.
Plan as it stands at the moment is to meet at the Cannon's pad in London Thursday morning, travel down to Reading in some sort of convoy and then play golf during the day if we have time before the £20 PL Omaha on Thursday night at the Cotton Club. Friday is either golf if we didn't play Thursday or maybe a trip down Riley's to lose plenty of money to the N-Dog. Hopefully the Reading Poker Committee will manage to organise the IHO (Irish/Hold'em/Omaha) tournament for Friday night as was a good laugh last year but failing that I'm sure we'll find some other way to amuse ourselves. Then the main event on Saturday, £55 freezeout with 10k stacks and then a night at the union with the other players (or ballas as they like to be called) as well as my missus and her little brother who are coming down. Sunday fingers crossed will still be in the main event but if not will just find somewhere to watch the Carling Cup final, c'mon you Spurs...
As for the rest of this week, I'm going to see Strictly Come Dancing at the O2 Wednesday night (was forced into it) and then embarking on a long romantic weekend with the missus down to...Dover...well near there anyway....looking forward to it. Seriously.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
No Point anymore...
That's right, there is no way I am playing online with the Cashpoint anymore. I log on to my Stars account yesterday night and see a $0.50/$1 table with a few short stacks on it and think I'll take a little shot at it so stick in $60 of my $135 bankroll. I soundly grind away, nothing too spectacular and get up to about $95 when I see in the chat box:
CashyP: This is more like it Cheese
Now that is the point where I should have taken my money from the table and called it a night...but no. For some reason when I play with people I know I feel the need to play like a complete tw*t. And so that's what I did, donking off chips with plays that I would never make if Cashy hadn't turned up. I was down to about $35 when I made a bad tilt call with a rivered pair of 5's on a four-to-a-straight board versus an opponent that had bet the whole way (I was for some reason drawing to the low straight), fortunately he only had a pair of 4's and I picked up a pot which took my stack back up to $55.
Again this was another point where I should have just left the table...and I did a few hands later...having been stacked by the Point. Now he had just reloaded back to $100 having lost a couple of big hands and about $65 on the table as well as an $800 pot on the $2/$4 table I was railing so he seemed pretty tilty and I pick up 85 SOOTED and call his raise along another fish and the flop is a pleasant 776. I check-call the flop thinking with Cashy in this state he may donk off his whole stack if I hit my open-ended draw. The turn is a 5 and I check call $10 into a pot of about $12 (what was I doing) the river is then a 3 and my check is met with a bet for the size of my stack (about $38) and I really did not believe him, but then again I never do. So I call and he shows 67 for the flopped boat. Had it been anyone else on the table or even in the universe maybe I probably would have done one of the following things:
1. Fold Pre-Flop
2. Fold on the Flop
3. Fold on the Turn
4. Fold on the River
Instead I chose option 5:
5. Check-call the whole way like a complete and utter d*ckhead.
Ah well, you live and learn, or in my case just live...
So I've now got about $70 in my Stars account so might just stick that on a couple of $0.25/$0.50 table tonight and try and run it up a bit. I've managed to accumulate about 325 FPP's and will get $75 free if I can get that up to 500 before busting so that will be my aim I think.
And let me tell you now Cashpoint, if you sit at my table I will sit out like a big pansy :-)
CashyP: This is more like it Cheese
Now that is the point where I should have taken my money from the table and called it a night...but no. For some reason when I play with people I know I feel the need to play like a complete tw*t. And so that's what I did, donking off chips with plays that I would never make if Cashy hadn't turned up. I was down to about $35 when I made a bad tilt call with a rivered pair of 5's on a four-to-a-straight board versus an opponent that had bet the whole way (I was for some reason drawing to the low straight), fortunately he only had a pair of 4's and I picked up a pot which took my stack back up to $55.
Again this was another point where I should have just left the table...and I did a few hands later...having been stacked by the Point. Now he had just reloaded back to $100 having lost a couple of big hands and about $65 on the table as well as an $800 pot on the $2/$4 table I was railing so he seemed pretty tilty and I pick up 85 SOOTED and call his raise along another fish and the flop is a pleasant 776. I check-call the flop thinking with Cashy in this state he may donk off his whole stack if I hit my open-ended draw. The turn is a 5 and I check call $10 into a pot of about $12 (what was I doing) the river is then a 3 and my check is met with a bet for the size of my stack (about $38) and I really did not believe him, but then again I never do. So I call and he shows 67 for the flopped boat. Had it been anyone else on the table or even in the universe maybe I probably would have done one of the following things:
1. Fold Pre-Flop
2. Fold on the Flop
3. Fold on the Turn
4. Fold on the River
Instead I chose option 5:
5. Check-call the whole way like a complete and utter d*ckhead.
Ah well, you live and learn, or in my case just live...
So I've now got about $70 in my Stars account so might just stick that on a couple of $0.25/$0.50 table tonight and try and run it up a bit. I've managed to accumulate about 325 FPP's and will get $75 free if I can get that up to 500 before busting so that will be my aim I think.
And let me tell you now Cashpoint, if you sit at my table I will sit out like a big pansy :-)
Monday, February 04, 2008
A little shot...
Had a little crack at $0.50/$1 yesterday on Party. Sat down with $70 and very first hand lost $18 of it:
***** Hand History for Game 6750218131 *****
$100 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Sunday, February 03, 14:01:20 ET 2008
Table Table 127359 (No DP) (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: ArtiArena ( $100.86 USD )
Seat 2: drunkmonk999 ( $25.93 USD )
Seat 3: yeyeyee ( $71 USD )
Seat 5: joy0505 ( $101.50 USD )
Seat 6: Cidertoppler ( $17.88 USD )
Seat 4: ben_w_2004 ( $70 USD )
drunkmonk999 posts small blind [$0.50 USD].
yeyeyee is sitting out
yeyeyee has left the table.
ben_w_2004 posts big blind [$1 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to ben_w_2004 [ As Qc ]
joy0505 folds.
Cidertoppler calls [$1 USD]
ArtiArena calls [$1 USD]
drunkmonk999 calls [$0.50 USD]
ben_w_2004 raises [$4.50 USD]
Cidertoppler calls [$4.50 USD]
ArtiArena folds.
drunkmonk999 folds.
** Dealing Flop ** [ 5s, 7c, 5d ]
ben_w_2004 bets [$12.38 USD]
Cidertoppler is all-In.
** Dealing Turn ** [ 6s ]
** Dealing River ** [ Ks ]
ben_w_2004 shows [ As, Qc ]a pair of Fives.
Cidertoppler shows [ 3h, 7h ]two pairs, Sevens and Fives.
Cidertoppler wins $35.88 USD from the main pot with two pairs, Sevens and Fives.
A few hands later won most of it back with a nicely timed semi-bluff on the turn:
***** Hand History for Game 6750233373 *****
$100 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Sunday, February 03, 14:05:52 ET 2008
Table Table 127359 (No DP) (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: ArtiArena ( $117.72 USD )
Seat 2: drunkmonk999 ( $0 USD )
Seat 5: joy0505 ( $100 USD )
Seat 6: Cidertoppler ( $42.18 USD )
Seat 4: ben_w_2004 ( $53.12 USD )
Seat 3: tieftaucher3 ( $97 USD )
tieftaucher3 posts small blind [$0.50 USD].
ben_w_2004 posts big blind [$1 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to ben_w_2004 [ Ts Qs ]
drunkmonk999: nh
joy0505 folds.
Cidertoppler folds.
drunkmonk999 has left the table.
ArtiArena: thanks
ArtiArena calls [$1 USD]
tieftaucher3 calls [$0.50 USD]
ExtremeFuse has joined the table.
ben_w_2004 checks.
** Dealing Flop ** [ 2c, 4d, Js ]
tieftaucher3 checks.
ben_w_2004 bets [$2 USD]
ArtiArena calls [$2 USD]
tieftaucher3 calls [$2 USD]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Kc ]
tieftaucher3 checks.
ben_w_2004 checks.
ArtiArena bets [$5 USD]
tieftaucher3 calls [$5 USD]
ben_w_2004 raises [$21 USD]
ArtiArena folds.
tieftaucher3 folds.
ben_w_2004 does not show cards.
ben_w_2004 wins $38.80 USD
Like I say, nicely timed... Then made a fairly simple laydown on a pretty scary board for top pair top kicker:
***** Hand History for Game 6750265240 *****
$100 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Sunday, February 03, 14:15:13 ET 2008
Table Table 127359 (No DP) (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: ArtiArena ( $48.05 USD )
Seat 5: joy0505 ( $99 USD )
Seat 6: Cidertoppler ( $73.21 USD )
Seat 4: ben_w_2004 ( $61.42 USD )
Seat 3: tieftaucher3 ( $125.12 USD )
Seat 2: ExtremeFuse ( $97.50 USD )
ExtremeFuse posts small blind [$0.50 USD].
tieftaucher3 posts big blind [$1 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to ben_w_2004 [ Ah Kd ]
ben_w_2004 raises [$3.50 USD]
Cidertoppler folds.
ArtiArena calls [$3.50 USD]
ExtremeFuse folds.
tieftaucher3 folds.
** Dealing Flop ** [ 9h, 6h, Qs ]
ben_w_2004 checks.
ArtiArena checks.
** Dealing Turn ** [ Kh ]
ben_w_2004 bets [$6.50 USD]
ArtiArena calls [$6.50 USD]
** Dealing River ** [ Jc ]
ben_w_2004 checks.
ArtiArena is all-In.
ben_w_2004 folds.
ArtiArena does not show cards.
ArtiArena wins $58.48 USD
I just didn't know what I beat to justify a call even though from what I'd seen in 25 or so hands this guy didn't seem to play that great. I then ground away for a bit, doubled up with 8's vs K's allin after I pushed an Ace high flop, I don't know where he got the call from.
Then this beauty happened:
***** Hand History for Game 6750505116 *****
$100 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Sunday, February 03, 15:23:43 ET 2008
Table Table 127359 (No DP) (Real Money)
Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 6: Cidertoppler ( $84.59 USD )
Seat 4: ben_w_2004 ( $93.49 USD )
Seat 1: x25rus ( $105.36 USD )
Seat 2: Timdan333 ( $157.79 USD )
Seat 3: Mojo652 ( $130.55 USD )
Seat 5: kryptonian_ ( $104.08 USD )
ben_w_2004 posts small blind [$0.50 USD].
kryptonian_ posts big blind [$1 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to ben_w_2004 [ Td Kc ]
Cidertoppler folds.
x25rus folds.
Timdan333 folds.
Mojo652 folds.
ben_w_2004 calls [$0.50 USD]
kryptonian_ raises [$3 USD]
ben_w_2004 raises [$14 USD]
kryptonian_ raises [$22 USD]
ben_w_2004 calls [$11 USD]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 5d, 5c, 6d ]
ben_w_2004 checks.
kryptonian_ bets [$28 USD]
ben_w_2004 is all-In.
kryptonian_ folds.
ben_w_2004 shows [ Td, Kc ]a pair of Fives.
ben_w_2004 wins $144.49 USD from the main pot with a pair of Fives.
This guy had been raising one in three hands and I knew what line I was going to take as soon as it got folded to me. I flat called, he duly popped it up so I repopped hoping to take it down there. He then min-reraises me and I do the classic "what would I do if I had aces here" and make the flat call (even though with aces I probably shove). I then check a low flop and he bets about half the pot. I insta-shove for about $40 more and he lays down his hand, I then show the king ten offsuit and he proceeds to tilt off the rest of his stack within 10 hands, unfortunately not to me. I call it a day a little bit later and end up with $55 profit for my 90 minutes play. Although I got pretty lucky with the 8's vs Kings, I feel I've got what it takes at this level and I hardly had any cards when I played and my main money came from well timed bluffs. But on another day I'm sure the guy calls the $40 with his Jacks or AK or whatever he had and I leave with nothing...
But for now...BOOOOOOM!!!
***** Hand History for Game 6750218131 *****
$100 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Sunday, February 03, 14:01:20 ET 2008
Table Table 127359 (No DP) (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: ArtiArena ( $100.86 USD )
Seat 2: drunkmonk999 ( $25.93 USD )
Seat 3: yeyeyee ( $71 USD )
Seat 5: joy0505 ( $101.50 USD )
Seat 6: Cidertoppler ( $17.88 USD )
Seat 4: ben_w_2004 ( $70 USD )
drunkmonk999 posts small blind [$0.50 USD].
yeyeyee is sitting out
yeyeyee has left the table.
ben_w_2004 posts big blind [$1 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to ben_w_2004 [ As Qc ]
joy0505 folds.
Cidertoppler calls [$1 USD]
ArtiArena calls [$1 USD]
drunkmonk999 calls [$0.50 USD]
ben_w_2004 raises [$4.50 USD]
Cidertoppler calls [$4.50 USD]
ArtiArena folds.
drunkmonk999 folds.
** Dealing Flop ** [ 5s, 7c, 5d ]
ben_w_2004 bets [$12.38 USD]
Cidertoppler is all-In.
** Dealing Turn ** [ 6s ]
** Dealing River ** [ Ks ]
ben_w_2004 shows [ As, Qc ]a pair of Fives.
Cidertoppler shows [ 3h, 7h ]two pairs, Sevens and Fives.
Cidertoppler wins $35.88 USD from the main pot with two pairs, Sevens and Fives.
A few hands later won most of it back with a nicely timed semi-bluff on the turn:
***** Hand History for Game 6750233373 *****
$100 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Sunday, February 03, 14:05:52 ET 2008
Table Table 127359 (No DP) (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: ArtiArena ( $117.72 USD )
Seat 2: drunkmonk999 ( $0 USD )
Seat 5: joy0505 ( $100 USD )
Seat 6: Cidertoppler ( $42.18 USD )
Seat 4: ben_w_2004 ( $53.12 USD )
Seat 3: tieftaucher3 ( $97 USD )
tieftaucher3 posts small blind [$0.50 USD].
ben_w_2004 posts big blind [$1 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to ben_w_2004 [ Ts Qs ]
drunkmonk999: nh
joy0505 folds.
Cidertoppler folds.
drunkmonk999 has left the table.
ArtiArena: thanks
ArtiArena calls [$1 USD]
tieftaucher3 calls [$0.50 USD]
ExtremeFuse has joined the table.
ben_w_2004 checks.
** Dealing Flop ** [ 2c, 4d, Js ]
tieftaucher3 checks.
ben_w_2004 bets [$2 USD]
ArtiArena calls [$2 USD]
tieftaucher3 calls [$2 USD]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Kc ]
tieftaucher3 checks.
ben_w_2004 checks.
ArtiArena bets [$5 USD]
tieftaucher3 calls [$5 USD]
ben_w_2004 raises [$21 USD]
ArtiArena folds.
tieftaucher3 folds.
ben_w_2004 does not show cards.
ben_w_2004 wins $38.80 USD
Like I say, nicely timed... Then made a fairly simple laydown on a pretty scary board for top pair top kicker:
***** Hand History for Game 6750265240 *****
$100 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Sunday, February 03, 14:15:13 ET 2008
Table Table 127359 (No DP) (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: ArtiArena ( $48.05 USD )
Seat 5: joy0505 ( $99 USD )
Seat 6: Cidertoppler ( $73.21 USD )
Seat 4: ben_w_2004 ( $61.42 USD )
Seat 3: tieftaucher3 ( $125.12 USD )
Seat 2: ExtremeFuse ( $97.50 USD )
ExtremeFuse posts small blind [$0.50 USD].
tieftaucher3 posts big blind [$1 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to ben_w_2004 [ Ah Kd ]
ben_w_2004 raises [$3.50 USD]
Cidertoppler folds.
ArtiArena calls [$3.50 USD]
ExtremeFuse folds.
tieftaucher3 folds.
** Dealing Flop ** [ 9h, 6h, Qs ]
ben_w_2004 checks.
ArtiArena checks.
** Dealing Turn ** [ Kh ]
ben_w_2004 bets [$6.50 USD]
ArtiArena calls [$6.50 USD]
** Dealing River ** [ Jc ]
ben_w_2004 checks.
ArtiArena is all-In.
ben_w_2004 folds.
ArtiArena does not show cards.
ArtiArena wins $58.48 USD
I just didn't know what I beat to justify a call even though from what I'd seen in 25 or so hands this guy didn't seem to play that great. I then ground away for a bit, doubled up with 8's vs K's allin after I pushed an Ace high flop, I don't know where he got the call from.
Then this beauty happened:
***** Hand History for Game 6750505116 *****
$100 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Sunday, February 03, 15:23:43 ET 2008
Table Table 127359 (No DP) (Real Money)
Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 6: Cidertoppler ( $84.59 USD )
Seat 4: ben_w_2004 ( $93.49 USD )
Seat 1: x25rus ( $105.36 USD )
Seat 2: Timdan333 ( $157.79 USD )
Seat 3: Mojo652 ( $130.55 USD )
Seat 5: kryptonian_ ( $104.08 USD )
ben_w_2004 posts small blind [$0.50 USD].
kryptonian_ posts big blind [$1 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to ben_w_2004 [ Td Kc ]
Cidertoppler folds.
x25rus folds.
Timdan333 folds.
Mojo652 folds.
ben_w_2004 calls [$0.50 USD]
kryptonian_ raises [$3 USD]
ben_w_2004 raises [$14 USD]
kryptonian_ raises [$22 USD]
ben_w_2004 calls [$11 USD]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 5d, 5c, 6d ]
ben_w_2004 checks.
kryptonian_ bets [$28 USD]
ben_w_2004 is all-In.
kryptonian_ folds.
ben_w_2004 shows [ Td, Kc ]a pair of Fives.
ben_w_2004 wins $144.49 USD from the main pot with a pair of Fives.
This guy had been raising one in three hands and I knew what line I was going to take as soon as it got folded to me. I flat called, he duly popped it up so I repopped hoping to take it down there. He then min-reraises me and I do the classic "what would I do if I had aces here" and make the flat call (even though with aces I probably shove). I then check a low flop and he bets about half the pot. I insta-shove for about $40 more and he lays down his hand, I then show the king ten offsuit and he proceeds to tilt off the rest of his stack within 10 hands, unfortunately not to me. I call it a day a little bit later and end up with $55 profit for my 90 minutes play. Although I got pretty lucky with the 8's vs Kings, I feel I've got what it takes at this level and I hardly had any cards when I played and my main money came from well timed bluffs. But on another day I'm sure the guy calls the $40 with his Jacks or AK or whatever he had and I leave with nothing...
But for now...BOOOOOOM!!!
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