Party: £310
Noble: £225
Sun: $715
I withdrew the $700 from Sun and deposited $400 in Full Tilt and my latest figures look like this:
Party: £520
Noble: £200
Full Tilt: $1,150
So I currently have about $2,250 in my poker accounts which is pleasing to the eye. $300 of that I have made on Full Tilt in the last few days where I have literally run hotter than the sun. I've been smashing up the Matrix tournaments on there. Here's my graph from sharkscope, pretty impressive upswing at the end you will agree:

This included my best ever performance on one of the Matrix tournaments, I can't see myself getting anywhere near to 58 points again to be honest. It's just a shame that it came in a $22 tourney as I've been playing quite a lot of $33 ones as well and the $55 when they run, would have been nice to get the result at those stakes:

I'm not going to make any goals for the year about improving my game or playing higher stakes because at the moment I just don't have the time to take poker too seriously. So it will stay as just a nice little hobby that I have that now and then earns me an extra bit of money.
I hope 2009 will be as good as the past few years. I'm very lucky to have such a great family and friends combination as well as a gorgeous girlfriend and a wonderful flat to live in and I hope that all of these things continue for many years.
Happy New Year...