I withdrew £225 from Party and dumped $400 into Full Tilt the a couple of days ago. After 1k hands i'd managed to grind that up to $600, even outdrawing a couple of people, but in the last 1k hands I've lost about $100 of that profit, although things could have been very different if I'd hit a couple of HUGE drawing hands that I had. Twice I've had a flush draw with a double belly buster all-in on the flop only to come up against sets both times (pretty much the only hand I'm not a favourite against) and both times I haven't managed to hit (which put paid to my theory that I might actually have a boomswitched account for once.)
Going down to Bournemouth for a few days with work to look at some junctions, so won't be able to play for a while, especially as we're moving in to the flat either Friday or Monday! Got the whole of next week off to spend some time settling into the flat with the missus and sorting out the loose ends that need tying up so may have a few sessions then (providing I can get the internet set up in time.)
Graph time I suppose:

Just over 12k hands played since May for a $512 profit at apparently $8.79 per hour so I'm not even making minimum wage! Stick to the day job me thinks...